A Prayer of Thanks

"Please help me to know that You are not obligated to do anything for me and that everything that You do for me is a free gift as a consequence of Your constant love…"

3 min

Rabbi Shalom Arush

Posted on 09.07.24

Translated by Chaim Garfinkel



Father in Heaven, the Godly King Who continuously bestows good, Merciful  Father who is full of mercy, Who supervises us with an intimate and exacting Divine Providence, please protect from becoming ungrateful and that I do not deny any of the benefits that You do for me.


Please grant me complete Emuna so that I will merit to have true and complete faith that everything that happens to me in physical and spiritual  matters is all for my very best.  Please help me to know that You are not obligated to do anything for me and that everything that You do for me is a free gift as a consequence of Your constant love for  me and Your desire for my very best.  Master of the Universe bestow upon me the merit to wholeheartedly declare to You Thank You for everything!


Father in Heaven, Thank You for the privilege to declare my thanks to You even though all of the Thanks that I say to You is nothing compared to what in truth I need to thankfully acknowledge to You since everything is from You.  Thank You very much for all of the things in the world that I have taken for granted and for which until now I have not expressed my thanks.  Thank You for every breath, for each of the physical abilities that You continuously provide me, for each and every limb in my body that functions properly and for my state of well-being.


Thank You for the wondrous universe that You have created for my sake.  Thank You for all of the people that are Your messengers to confer goodness upon me.  Merciful One Who nourishes all that exists, Thank You very much for the support and sustenance that You have provided and that You continuously provide to me.  Thank You King of the Universe for each and every thing that I have and Thank You also for that things that I do not have since everything is a product of Your Divine Providence for my very best.


Master of Emuna, thank You very much for the Emuna that You give me which is by far the greatest gift that can be given to a person.  Thank You for the Torah, the Commandments, the Sabbaths, and the Festivals that You have gifted us.  Thank You for the Tzaddikim and for the Emuna demonstrated by our Sages.  Thank You, Hashem, for having given me a heart, a mind and the ability to “do the good” – to serve You, to have true and complete faith and belief in You, to engage in the words of Your Holy Torah, to fulfill Your Holy Commandments, to conduct oneself in accordance with virtuous attributes of character and to give praise and grateful acknowledgement to You even though all that I merit to do is only the result of the assistance I receive from Your abundant power.


Thank You for all Your help in prevailing over my evil inclination and Your assistance to turn away from evil.  Indeed, all my success in my service of You is a gift from You.


Thank You for the setbacks, stumbles, defeats and difficulties that I experience and Thank You for the times when I am despondent and embittered.  I wholeheartedly believe that all of this occurs precisely to arouse me to draw myself ever increasingly closer to You.


Master of the Universe, it is fully revealed and known before You that I do not have the awareness to understand and see that all that You do is entirely for my benefit.  Therefore I ask forgiveness from You that I questioned You and that I did not appreciate Your acts and instead of being joyful and expressing my thanks to You I become cynical and complained.  Good and Forgiving King, I request forgiveness from You for everything that I did that You did not find pleasing, for my complaints and crying and also for my lack of appreciation for what You have given me.


Thank You for all of the goodness and kindness that You have bestowed upon me at all times and in all circumstances and for having helped me, saved me, rescued me, protected me, upheld me, made me joyous, encouraged me, and empowered me.  Thank You for continuously seeking, listening to, and accepting my prayers.


And Thank You for giving me the merit at this moment to say thank You to You!

Tell us what you think!

1. Tuviah


Thank You…

… for this beautiful be prayer. I wish you could make wallet cards can out of it that we could purchase. Nothing else needs to be said to Hashem after receiving this prayer

2. Tuviah


… for this beautiful be prayer. I wish you could make wallet cards can out of it that we could purchase. Nothing else needs to be said to Hashem after receiving this prayer

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