The Experiment
Ladies, here's your chance to experiment on a trial basis. The “trial basis” is a wonderful way to circumvent the Evil Inclination, especially in Elul. Anytime we increase modesty, the EI is quick to fight back…

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are around the corner. Exciting! A chance to get closer to our Loving Father on a whole new level. Ladies, are you ready to try an experiment? It doesn’t cost any money, and the return on our investment lasts for eternity! Ask any investor about these stakes, and he will say they are unheard of in the business world.
Not only that, there is no such thing as a failed experiment. Even if we decide to go back to our original way, we still gain the infinite reward we earned while experimenting.
The experiment goes like this: We should think for a moment about our typical style of dress, from head to toe. The head covering, make up, jewelry, clothing, stockings, and shoes. Is there any area in which deep down we feel we could improve on, something small, for the next 2 weeks?
It could be anything from a thicker denier of hosiery, to wearing flat shoes instead of high heels, to retiring a skirt that we feel might have become a little too short or too tight. Other ideas include using a milder shade of lipstick, putting away our longest pair of earrings, or refraining from wearing a shirt we think is flashy.
It could be related to our hair covering, such as ensuring all our hair is tucked away before we answer the door. If we wear a sheitel (wig), we could put the sheitel hair back in a pony rather than have it hang loose. If we wear perfume to work, we could decide to instead put it on at the end of the day when we get home.
The possibilities are really endless, and only we know what we feel comfortable experimenting with. This experiment has to do with connecting to Hashem on a higher level. The holy Baal Shem Tov says “As man acts, Hashem reacts.” If we stretch outside our nature to do something that we know Our Father would appreciate, Hashem will respond to us that way.
The feelings of tranquility and happiness that come from upgrading our modesty are not to be missed! This experiment is only for 2 weeks or one month. At the end of the experiment, we can choose to continue operating at this higher level if we want.
This temporary “trial basis” is a wonderful way to circumvent the Evil Inclination. Anytime we entertain thoughts of increasing modesty, the Evil Inclination is quick to shout in our ear, “You won’t be able to keep it up, don’t even try!”
Using this method, we can reply back, “Well I’m not committing to anything. I reserve the right to go back to the original way. I’m simply trying this out, no big deal.”
After we acclimate to the new higher level, it no longer feels like we’re stretching ourselves. Then we can try “the experiment” with another item if we feel comfortable. In this way, we can continue climbing higher and higher up the spiritual ladder of modesty. Rabbi Shalom Arush shlit”a says this is Personal Holiness for a woman.
Few things bring us such reward and merit as upgrades in our modesty. And what pleases our Loving Father the most? It says in Midrash Tanchuma Ki Tisa: Hashem says, “There is nothing more beautiful than modesty.”
There you have it, Ladies! Now we know what Hashem wants. May we all appear on Rosh Hashanah looking beautiful in Hashem’s eyes and be granted a wonderful new year, amen!
My yetzer said the same thing!
I have just started covering my hair, little by little over the past two weeks and a little voice inside me said, "Why do this? What will you say to people when you can't keep it up?" I thought this was my yetzer hara acting up, so I just shot back with, "I'm going to give it a try and if it doesn't work out, at least I tried it. I'm not going to think about the long term, just right now." That shut it up.
I have just started covering my hair, little by little over the past two weeks and a little voice inside me said, "Why do this? What will you say to people when you can't keep it up?" I thought this was my yetzer hara acting up, so I just shot back with, "I'm going to give it a try and if it doesn't work out, at least I tried it. I'm not going to think about the long term, just right now." That shut it up.
I have used this trial basis many times and it works! The neshama of a woman wants more modesty and it is the basis of our personal holiness. Emuna and holiness go hand in hand, and every single time Rabbi Arush shlita talks about guarding the eyes for men, he talks about tzniut for women. In fact, just like he recommends men pray 30 min a day, every single day, that they should be holy and guard their eyes and minds properly – he recommends that a woman pray 30 min a day! on her tzniut!