Let Go
A man can leave his home in Beijing, move to America, live in Chinatown, and continue to speak his native language; Is that what Anglos want in Israel, a Chinatown?
So that you shall remember the day when you went out of the land of Egypt all the days of your life (Deuteronomy 16:3).
Hashem commands us to remember leaving Egypt every day of our life. What are we remembering exactly: The plagues, the splitting of the sea, or the actual night we left? More importantly: Why? How does remembering an event over three thousand years ago factor into our service of Hashem today?
Nobody talks about the challenges of American immigrants in Israel. After all, in Israel everybody has challenges. The truth is that the specific challenges an Anglo faces (an American, Englishman, South African, Australian, Canadian, or New Zealander who made Aliyah to Israel) defines what he must do in order to really thrive here. It leads to the hidden treasure of this beautiful mitzvah.
Never in history has such a large group of people voluntarily left a place where it’s easier to amass wealth, security, and influence to a place where it’s a little bit harder. Because of this fact, the Anglo faces some additional challenges along his Aliyah journey:
- He can turn back anytime he wants.
- He can take in more money in the same profession if he turns back.
- He doesn’t have to change or grow at all. Technology enables him to keep up with his sports teams, favorite TV shows, even local events and stay fully connected to the dominant culture of the world.
These are challenges unique to the Western immigrant. They taunt him at every turn. If times get tough, they become a deadly temptation. To crush these challenges, there is a certain trick. Focus on the third challenge.
The third challenge is by far the hardest. An Anglo in Israel can live life like a Chinese person in Chinatown. A man can leave his home in Beijing, move to America, live in Chinatown, and continue to speak his native language with everyone around him, watch his favorite TV shows, eat his favorite foods, and maintain the only culture he has ever known. There are places in Israel where an Anglo can do exactly the same. There are many people who live happy and full lives here who see themselves as “Americans living in Israel.”
They watch reruns of Jerry Seinfeld. They stay up till 4AM local time to see the Super Bowl. They travel to the “old country” of Manhattan or Miami. When it’s music they want, its either Beyoncé or Britney. That’s not only America, that’s Egypt.
The key to making it in Israel is to let go as best you can by remembering to leave Egypt, and all its mutations, every day. Change your music habits to Nissim Black or Itzik Eshel. Watch Israeli news, sitcoms, and movies all in Hebrew. Even if you need the English subtitles, listen to the Hebrew and get comfortable with how people relate to each other in Israel.
Try, as hard as you can, to wean yourself off of watching sports. I did it 7 years ago and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Why should I waste my time watching others pursue greatness? I can better use the time G-d gave me to pursue the greatness He set for me to experience.
Take leaving Egypt to the next level by not going there! Trade in that yearly vacation for camping and hiking trips in Israel. Our Land has so many different landscapes to intoxicate the senses. Any type of climate is available to you all year round.
Ancient Egypt was filled with filth. Men were applauded for dressing like women, and women were cheered for dressing like men. Sexual orientation or general restraint meant nothing. You were encouraged to do anything you pleased with the body G-d gave you.
Sound familiar?
That’s why Hashem plagued Egypt time and again. That’s why Hashem uplifted the smallest nation above the most powerful. That’s why He gave us the Torah and brought us to the Holy Land. That is why we are commanded to break free every day of our life!
Hashem commanded us to leave Egypt, and everything it represents, in every generation, for all times. Hashem took us out of slavery and overturned the laws of science and nature just so we would escape this nonspiritual pit and return to Him. Hashem split the seas (Red Sea and Jordan River), fed us in the desert for 40 years, and destroyed our enemies just so we would clear our souls of their impurity and turn our eyes to Him.
This is an ongoing challenge. To turn away from hip-hop, online dating, even the New York Yankees, and dedicate our interests to what is holy to Hashem.
It took 49 days from the point we left Egypt and began the spiritual detox process to the point we were ready to receive the Torah. Let’s dedicate these 49 days by taking one part of our life that represents Egypt, and tossing it in the Sea for once and for all!
Where do I go to find out more information on how to not just leave Egypt but how to make aliya?
Editor's Note:
The best place to start is to contact Nefesh b'Nefesh. Each person's situation is different, so it's important to get clear advice. Nefesh b'Nefesh has already helped thousands of olim (immigrants) to successfully make aliyah.
May your journey home be blessed!