Rebuilding the Holy Temple
When we build ourselves - act ethically, honor the Shabbat, dress appropriately, pray with feeling, and give charity - we build our world from the inside out...

The question “how to rebuild our Holy Temple in Jerusalem” rests with the word “responsibility”—the ability to know how to respond to the current disorder in the world.
The chaos shows we need our Master back, and He wants to come back, but without a flock, a shepherd cannot lead, and without a kingdom, our King cannot rule. With the intermarriage rate at 70%, we see how we are faring when it comes to listening to Hashem. The only way to wake up those of us who are sleeping is a jolt unless they come willingly. It amounts to inspiration or intervention. Which will we choose? We need to initiate the return to Hashem, and He promises to assist us in the process. Knowledge is power, so we must learn truth. We make grave errors in judgment when we do not commit to learning truth. Without the holy Temple and G-d’s Presence, there can be no stability and no sanity.
Find yourself a passionate Ba’al or Ba’alat Teshuva (male or female who has discovered and returned to the true essence of Judaism) and become inspired, and then respond to the turmoil in a manner that will produce visible progress in your own personal world and in the world at large. Many of those who have returned to their essence have learned experientially secrets that were once hidden and are now available to help us all. We need to start searching for truth and owning our personal power. That power is generated only through connection to Judaism and to G-d—not to our jobs, our pastimes, or our problems.
This is how we build the Beit HaMikdash: We build it in a microcosm with incremental yet transformational changes within ourselves, one brick at a time. When we build ourselves—mend relationships, stop criticizing and blaming other Jews, develop our character, refine ourselves, learn Torah, watch our speech, act ethically, be moral, honor the Shabbat, dress appropriately, pray with feeling, and give charity—we build our world from the inside out. We show G-d that we are united. We give our children a foundation and a future when we educate them, and they learn who they were created to be. The positive energies will bring healing to the world—to those who currently are suffering and to all of us, for we belong to the same soul-body. We are one nation—one soul. The ripple effect can be exponential. It is imperative that we try to wake up those who refuse to see truth because their impact matters. This is the work we need to do. Mashiach will not do it all for us. We have to prepare ahead in order to merit his arrival. When he comes, it will be too late to shift gears. Now is the time to get busy: To work on ourselves and take responsibility.
When G-d returns with the re-building of the eternal Third Holy Temple in Jerusalem, we will have clarity, peace, truth, harmony, and stability—a world where our children thrive. How can we expect such an amazing gift if we do nothing to earn it? We need to stop wasting time on worrying about the symptoms—-the one-of-a-kind election in America, the Zika virus from infected mosquitoes, ISIS, antisemitism, the person who insulted us, thieves, new ailments, the stock market, our brazen boss, our out-of-control and moody children, and broken promises. These symptoms are, of course, serious consequences of a world that is out of alignment. However, we all know that addressing the symptoms does nothing to heal the root cause. Neither does worrying about them or spending time talking about such matters unless we talk to Hashem. There is only one solution. Learn and Return!
When we wake up to the realization that our neglect of Judaism and our failure to understand that G-d is real, His Torah is real, and we are being negligent, then, and only then, can we prioritize properly, do some heavy-duty soul-searching, and transform our current reality. The world has lost its center. We can restore the balance when we commit to changing our focus, stop worrying and causing ourselves more suffering, and turn inward. When we return to G-d, He will return to us, and all the negative symptoms will dissolve. The theme remains the same: We must do our part, take responsibility, act in a mature manner, and become a believer.
The truth may be difficult for some stalwart non-believers to follow, but the consequence of failure to do so is a bitter pill to swallow. Torah is sweet. Torah is truth. When we neglect our essence and live a life of superficiality, failing to look at the bigger picture, we put ourselves and the ones we love at risk. We have no one to blame but ourselves and our lack of maturity in the area of willingness to change direction, emerge, and grow. When we commit to working at what is truly important in life, positive change will occur. Unity of purpose and demonstrating our return to Hashem in thought, speech, and behavior (including learning and practicing G-d’s laws) comprise the road to salvation. When we agree and stop spinning our wheels in the ditch that we have dug for ourselves, we choose life. What could be better? Now we know how to choose life. Choose Hashem, and He promises He will never disappoint. Believe in the power of the unity of the Jewish People. Belief – when it’s strong enough – becomes reality.
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