Hidden under a mound of Lego and Playmobile, with an entire regiment of battery-operated cars that could fill the parking lot at JFK, the kids complained that they had no toys...

Dear Racheli,
I have been reading The Garden of Emuna, and I absolutely love the book. I’ve started doing personal prayer every day for the past few months, but it seems my prayers haven’t been answered yet. I can’t find a job, my apartment is nearly crumbling, and I can barely put together enough to make ends meet. Why isn’t Hashem answering my prayers?
Let me answer you with a true parable.
Once upon a time – no, actually, lots upon a time – there were five little boys living in a cramped apartment in Israel. Even though the apartment was not much bigger than a giant’s shoe, there was enough space for the boys to put their toys. Eventually, there were so many toys, the sweet, soft-spoken, loving mother could barely see her boys. The boys were almost drowning in toys!
Even though the boys had plenty of toys, they began complaining that they had no toys! Upon hearing this, their gentle, loving mother suddenly turned a hideous shade of green. Her muscles began to expand like helium balloons, and her hair covering flew off, exposing wild, unkempt, dusty gray hair. “Whaaat?” she turned to face them, her nose exhaling fire with each angry breath she took. “You have no toyysssss??!” she screeched, as she began to chase them around the house while beating her gorilla-sized fists against her chest.
The boys yelled in fright, and ran for cover, shoving and tripping over one another. “I’LL SHOW YOU NO TOYS!!” she roared in her most terrifying Hulk voice. She ran to their overloaded toy bins and started shoving toys into an empty garbage bag. “Maybe other kids will enjoy these toys!” she angrily snorted. Veins were bulging in her temples as she huffed and puffed and nearly blew the house in. Very soon, the garbage bag was filled to the brim.
The boys tried to play it cool, but HulkaMama ain’t no fool. Their voices said, “I don’t care,” but their faces said, “That’s not fair!” After returning to her pre-Hulk state, she sweetly asked them why they were quivering with fear. It seems their mother might be bipolar or infected with gamma rays beamed into her from her snake-fanged alien nemesis living on Planet X.
Did you get the message in my awful parable, Frank?
U think I’m loco? Great! But let’s talk about the message instead. All of us children need to understand something: Hashem knows exactly what hardships we’re going through, because He’s the one that gave them to us! Now, if you add emuna to this statement, then you’ll understand that all of the challenges Hashem is giving you are for your best!
So, if you’re complaining to Hashem about the challenges that He decided to give you, just because you don’t yet understand His reasoning, what does that say to Him? “Hashem!” you yell, “Why did You give me such a crummy apartment? Don’t You know that I deserve better? And where’s my six-figure income? My brain shouldn’t be going to waste, watching The Food Network all day long! And why can’t You just give me whatever I want, whenever I want? It’s not fair, Hashem!”
Is this how a child should speak with his parent? Should a child demand whatever he wants? Should he forget about all of the good his parents are constantly doing for him, most of which he’s too immature and/or self-absorbed to even notice? Should he throw a tantrum whenever he doesn’t get what he wants? Should he complain about what he has or doesn’t have, while demanding more? Doesn’t this type of child sound like an incredibly spoiled brat?
Well, Frank, you (and I) are no different. As soon as things don’t go our way, we get all green and muscular, and we start ripping our shirts in a fit of anger. Okay, so maybe you don’t do that.
When Hashem sees us choosing to focus on what we’re lacking, rather than thanking Him for all of the good that He give us, He isn’t very happy with us. “You don’t appreciate what I already gave you?” He asks. “Fine, then. I’ll give you even more reasons not to appreciate!”
Understand, Frank, that this is not a spiteful reaction on Hashem’s behalf, G-d forbid. This is simply Hashem leading us along the path we’ve created. If we choose the path of ungratefulness, then He’ll give us plenty of reasons to be ungrateful. If we choose the path of gratitude, then He’ll give us plenty of reasons to be grateful!
The choice is yours. Once you choose to be grateful for all of the blessings that you do have right now, Hashem will be more than happy to give you everything you desire! This is the secret of gratitude. It opens the gates to all of life’s blessings!
Hashem should bless you with the inner strength to continue on the path of emuna and gratitude, and G-d willing, you will see miraculous changes in your life!
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