Sparks of Attraction

When you are doing your thing in the world and trying to acquire whatever it is you would like to acquire, you must have the right spiritual polarity…

6 min

Yardena Slater

Posted on 29.05.23

I’ve been reading Rabbi Mota Frank’s new book, HaSod HaGaluy, (Hebrew) – “The Revealed Secret”, an A-wesome book in which Rabbi Frank gives over the Jewish-mystical explanation of “the law of attraction” and backs it up with numerous Torah examples and sources. Best of all, it is full of golden quotes from Rebbe Nachman. Listen to this quote (loosely translated, please refer to the Hebrew for the exact quote):


“In all dealings that every person has in the world, spiritual matters are also taking place within the soul of the person via the dealings. Because every single thing in the world has sparks of holiness within it as well as shards of letters. And every single thing in the world has its hour and time, when it is supposed to come to a certain person. Because that particular person is, in that particular hour and time, at one root with those sparks and shards of letters that are within that thing. And when these two come together, the person with the object, and this person receives vitality from this object that has come to him – in this way the letters that are in the object and in the person come together and become whole.” Likutei Moharan, Part A, Article 54/3.


So essentially, what Rebbe Nachman is saying in the above quote is that when you are trying to acquire whatever it is you would like to acquire in this world, and this acquisition and you happen to have sparks of holiness and pieces of letters that are meant to come together, interesting things can happen because that item is simply meant to come to you.


Today, teachings about the power of thought and “law of attraction” abound, but up until about 15 years ago hardly anyone was learning or reading about this stuff.  Turns out Rebbe Nachman had a lot to say on this subject and the above quote is just one of many. Of course Rebbe Nachman does not explain it as some sort of random law of attraction thing but rather he explains that Hashem is totally in charge and therefore in your dealings, what is meant to come to you will absolutely get to you through a certain system that He has set up. Acquisition is not just a matter of doing business and hopefully succeeding because you tried hard, did your best and thought positively. There are spiritual matters at hand that play a role as well.


So if you’ve read my past articles you know I’m kind of obsessed with leading a healthy lifestyle.  Honestly, I’ve always been like this. I’ve always been fascinated with the beauty and sheer power of nature. It is part of who I am and I do believe I am meant to use this passion to improve the world.  So… as it turns out, when it comes to healthy stuff that is meant to propel me forward in my mission – I’ve got the spark! Read on for the juicy details.


My enthusiasm for health was rekindled in a big away about 12 years ago, when I corrected, via adopting a healthy lifestyle, several minor but pesky health issues that doctors were unable to help me with. Six months into healthy fying my kitchen I was whining to a friend that I have got to have two appliances if I am to be truly successful in this healthy lifestyle endeavor – a food dehydrator and the high powered Vitamix blender. The problem was… they weren’t exactly in the budget.


My friend said, “If you’re really serious about being healthy, show Hashem you mean business. If you are meant to have these appliances, Hashem has many ways of sending them to you.  You just persevere whether you have the appliances or not.” So I did. I trudged along without the appliances, going out of my way in various ways to stick to my health protocol, all the while pining and praying for my appliances.


A year later my one friend who had a dehydrator moved back to LA and sold it to me for $100 (cost in Israel: over $500). 


Two years later, an acquaintance from the neighborhood approached me, “Hey Yardena, maybe you would know what this blender I have is all about. It’s this huge contraption that my parents left behind when they returned to the States. It’s called Vitamix. Any idea? My mom is looking to sell if for $250.” (Cost in Israel: $1200). Amazingly the week before that my flimsy blender had finally broken down and the following week was my birthday. Guess what I got for my birthday?


Another time I went to a sprouted bread making workshop. I LOVE sprouted bread! I really wanted to start making it myself. The only catch was that to really get the dough good and smooth, you need a masticating juicer to put the wheat berries through. That would be the Green Star juicer. OK this was like really extravagant and – I already had a juicer, but hey, I put it on my list and had a chat with Hashem about it. And kept pining for it.


This past fall a friend called me up: “Hi Yardena, I’m clearing out my landlord’s storage room. He wants me to get rid of everything in here. There’s a big old juicer here, do you know anyone who would be interested in it. It says Green Star on it.” Long story short it works like new and even runs on the Israeli 220 power – I didn’t even need to get a transformer for it!! (Cost in Israel: almost $1000).


In fall 2014, when it was time to make my annual visit to my mother who lives in Florida, I noticed that the Detox Specialist Certification Level II that I had been longing to take was taking place at exactly the same time of my visit, also in Florida. I could split the two weeks between my mom and the course however it meant another plane fare to the west coast of Florida and almost an extra $1000 in tuition. Could I really pull off the extra hassle and money? I called the school and asked them if they offer any discounts to international students. Mind you this was right after Operation Tzuk Eitan (called “Protective Edge” in English) when much of the world was not exactly happy with Israel.


They called me back after discussing the matter with the powers that be. “If you’re coming all the way from Israel we are waiving your fee. Just pay for the course materials.” Then my 71 year old mother offered to drive me the three hours to the course and pick me up the following week (my US license was expired at the time). I still was not sure that I should do it for various reasons so I got in touch with one of the leading Chassidic Rabbis in Jerusalem with whom people consult. He heard me out, asked a few questions, and then gave me his blessing to go. These three things were all a huge deal, each one on their own! To have them come together so smoothly was incredible.


A few months back I was at a holistic practitioners gathering. One of the women demonstrated a delicious salad made of spiralized raw zucchini and tomatoes. A spiralizer is a gadget that a lot of us extreme health nuts own since it makes spaghetti strings out of vegetables such as zucchini, carrots and cucumbers. Fun to eat as a salad or to make a vegetable spaghetti from. As I was watching her I was thinking that I cannot believe I still don’t have that gadget. It’s not even that expensive. But somehow I never got around to purchasing it. I made a note – put the spiralizer at the top of my to-get list!


A few days later a relative came in from the states and brought me a little something that my mother sent along for me – you guessed it, a spiralizer! No, my mom had no idea that I wanted one. She didn’t even know what it was really. She just saw it on sale at Bed Bath & Beyond and thought it would be something that I would like.


Six months ago I got this idea in my head that I would love to get an extra juicer and lend it out for one week at a time to clients who want to juice but are not ready to commit to buying a juicer yet. I put it on my list. Just a few days ago a client called and asked if I would like her juicer since she brought a new one. Awesome, high end juicer, works like new. I took it and now I have my extra juicer to lend out.


Yep, I’ve got the spark!


Hey, can this work with the lottery too?


I have to look into it, but it seems to work best when you are following your mission and working on your particular rectifications since that is when your physical desires have spiritual roots.


In any case, how cool is that? Rebbe Nachman’s teachings and the whole way Hashem set this world up just blows my mind. I’m so grateful to be alive. Thank you Hashem for giving me another chance in this wonderful, beautiful, awesome world that you have created just for us!



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