The Million Dollar Question

Sometimes our heads are so stuck in the ground, that we don’t even bother asking the basic questions of life, like: “Why am I here?” and “Where is God?”

3 min

Racheli Reckles

Posted on 11.04.24

Dear Racheli,


I’ve been going through a really rough time lately. I seem to be getting sick all the time, my workload is suffocating me, and my wife and I are fighting non-stop. Obviously, this is causing me tremendous stress. I just started reading the Breslev Israel website, and I love the teachings. Can you give me some practical advice to help me stop this downward spiral that I feel stuck in?


Thanks, Howard




I don’t know how old you are, but back in the ‘50’s, there was a famous show called “The $64,000 Question.” The title turned out to be more popular than the show, because it is still a commonly-used idiom to describe a very important question. Some examples that come to mind are: “Will she say yes to his proposal?” and “What’s with Kim Kardashian’s post-baby face?”


Since we’re in 2016, I thought I would factor in for inflation, and update that number to make it the $1 million question. However, I was wr…wr…wrong, as $64,000 in 1955 is approximately $562,845 today. But I like $1 million better, so that’s what I’m going with.


Basically, your $1 million question is: why is this happening to me?


Howard, you are certainly going through very tough challenges right now. Just like everyone else (especially me,) you want your life to go smoothly and without any seriously painful experiences. But life don’t work like dat. However, there is always good to be found in every difficult situation, and your case is no exception.


What’s the good in your situation? Well, for one thing, the fact that you are even asking the $1 million question is a good sign! It means that Hashem is starting to get through to you! He wants you to grow and He’s trying to show you that there are certain things you need to correct in yourself.


The first thing you must realize is that Hashem sometimes creates painful situations as a stimulus in order to get us to look heavenward and ask, “why?”


Why, you ask? Because sometimes our heads are so stuck in the ground, that we don’t even bother asking the basic questions of life, like: “Why am I here?” and “Where is God?” Unfortunately, those people who are in a deep sleep and/or Facebook coma sometimes need to get jolted out of their spiritual stupor. In your case, Hashem had to turn your entire world upside-down in order to get you to start asking questions. Don’t feel bad, though! You’re in the 99.4% majority.


The second thing you must realize is that everything that is happening to you is a message from Hashem. Everything has a reason. Nothing is random. Your wife behaving like your nemesis, the flu that just won’t go away, and the sadistic boss who wants to bury you alive under tons of virtual paperwork are all messages from Hashem.


Basically we have two choices when we go through something difficult.  We can choose to suffer by blaming Hashem, nature, randomness, or whatever forces we would like to blame, and thus see no purpose to our suffering – which only compounds it! Or, we can choose to activate our emuna and believe that everything Hashem is doing is for our ultimate benefit. Emuna isn’t for the easy times. It’s for the times we go through that seem unfair; the times that make no sense to us.


If you haven’t done so yet, read The Garden of Emuna this instant! You will be amazed to see how and why Hashem has tailor-made all of your tribulations. This book will supercharge your spiritual growth, and lead you on the path to a genuinely happy and content life. Who doesn’t want that?


Howard, you should know that Hashem doesn’t want to make you suffer. He loves you and only wants the best for you. Keep moving forward on this beautiful path of emuna and spiritual awareness. I promise that if you do, your next $1 million question will be where to take your wife on your romantic getaway!


Wishing you every blessing your heart desires,



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