Mein Kampf 2016
Ironically, with all of the love and tolerance everyone is supposed to have for one another, levels of anti-Semitism and hate crimes are on the sharp rise…

Welcome to a new year! A fake new year full of false hopes and empty resolutions. A new year of increasingly suffocating political correctness and mass media hysteria that ISIL is taking over the world. A new year of the Fed kicking the can further down the road, delaying the inevitable financial implosion that will likely plummet the U.S. economy into the abyss. A new year of Adolf Hitler’s (may his name be erased) infamous “Mein Kampf.”
It turns out that the copyright is due to expire, and therefore some twisted individuals and a greedy publishing house felt the need to re-publish a revised edition with historical annotations. Supposedly, these additions will “refute Hitler’s ideas with factual information,” according to one supporter of this endeavor, Richard Verber. Mr. Verber happens to be the Vice President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.
A Jew?? In support, albeit cautious, of re-publishing the most famous anti-Semitic work of one of history’s most genocidal maniacs??!
And don’t think he’s the only Jew in favor of this! The Daily Telegraph’s Stephen Pollard, who is editor of the Jewish Chronicle, decided that his principles tell him that “republishing it is fine.” He continues: “…ideas, however awful, cannot be locked away. They have to be defeated.”
Well-known American Rabbi Shmuley Boteach also supports the new annotated edition, believing wholeheartedly, “when the German people read the new critical edition…breaking down all of the lies and flaws in Hitler’s teachings, many will actually be saved from gravitating towards Neo-Nazi movements.”
These all sound like legitimate, convincing arguments. But there are two glaring problems with their stance.
First, they are ignoring a vital spiritual law: whatever a person puts his energy into will contain his energy. This means that any act of creation will contain a part of that person’s essence, whether he is aware of it or not. More on that later.
Second, they believe that the illusion of “awareness” will fix the chronic problem of anti-Semitism. By educating the masses about the murderous, demonic intentions of this genocidal dictator, somehow, by some magic formula, those Germans who will read this book will suddenly be repulsed by his ideas.
Seriously, who are we kidding, here?
Let’s look at what’s happening in the world today. Aren’t many people from Western civilization well-educated already? Doesn’t most of the modern world supposedly abide by political correctness and tolerance of others who are of different religion, race, or sexual preference? Aren’t there many human rights groups from the right and the left who are always lobbying for more money and the best interests of those who fall within their specialty?
Yes, yes, and yes.
That all holds true, except for the way the world feels about the Jews. Ironically, with all of the love and tolerance everyone is supposed to have for one another, levels of anti-Semitism are on the sharp rise. Every day, there are reports from the U.S. and Europe of hate crimes that have been perpetrated against Jews and/or their Shuls and private property. Here in Israel, we are under constant guerilla-style attacks from Arab knife-wielding monsters.
I don’t hear the world protesting against any of this. Do you?
And, now, in Germany, the unthinkable is happening. Not only is Hitler’s “masterpiece” going to be re-published, but Germany has approved allowing this work of horror to be taught in German schools! Under the guise of refuting Hitler’s psychotic thought process, thousands of German schoolchildren will now be exposed to his insanity!
Which brings me back to the first point. I’ll give you an example. Have you ever cooked when you were angry? It is common knowledge that food cooked under such negative conditions will not have the same flavor as food prepared under happier conditions. This spiritual law applies across the board for absolutely every act of creation, from music to conception.
Because of these two reasons and likely many more that I haven’t yet thought of, I firmly believe that exposing thousands of young, impressionable minds to such evil will only bring that evil into their consciousness! It will do so against the will of these children. Even though on the surface they might reject this book, nevertheless its ideas will make a profound imprint on their souls.
Obviously the question occurred to me: why is Hashem allowing this to happen? Why is He allowing Hitler’s ym”s twisted philosophy to be spread among Germany again?
I believe that one main reason this is happening now is precisely for us Jews. Through events such as this one, which re-awaken and strengthen the hatred that much of the world has for us, we are being forced to choose sides.
The PC mask is coming off, and now we are starting to see who the rest of the world really is. Much of the world clearly isn’t concerned with the well-being of Jews, especially not the Jews of Israel. So, for Jews to come out and support this demon’s work is beyond ludicrous. It’s downright insane!
Do you want to rid the world of anti-Semitism once and for all? Then live as a Torah-observant Jew! It’s time we did our job and lived up to our end of the deal! Forget about raising awareness of anti-Semitism. It’s a dead end! The world’s attitude toward the Jews will never change as a result of demonstrations or education alone.
Do you want to raise awareness? Then raise the world’s awareness of Hashem! Aren’t there millions and millions of people living their entire lives under misunderstood and just plain backwards ideas, beliefs, and morals? Wouldn’t it be great to give them some real, genuine awareness, say through The Garden of Emuna and The Garden of Gratitude?
Jews, it’s time to take a good look at where you stand in the eyes of the world. The days of false niceties and living a comfortable life in the lands of assimilation are over. It’s time to come home and live among your Jewish family, as genuine Torah-observant Jews. If you can’t make aliyah tomorrow, at least have a serious plan of action. Get your file started with Nefesh B’Nefesh.
Hashem should bless you with a quick and easy aliyah, so you can be here to greet our righteous Moshiach and witness the rebuilding of our Holy Temple with your own eyes, speedily, Amen!
The book immediately sold out in Germany, and is now selling for more than 500 pounds on ebay! People claim to want to study and question his thought processes, to learn how he came to the conclusions that he did. Can anyone explain how they can expect to logically and rationally break down his arguments, when they were all made based on his INSANITY?? Is it possible to have a normal conversation with a person who is severely mentally deranged?? This argument just doesn't make any sense!
The book immediately sold out in Germany, and is now selling for more than 500 pounds on ebay! People claim to want to study and question his thought processes, to learn how he came to the conclusions that he did. Can anyone explain how they can expect to logically and rationally break down his arguments, when they were all made based on his INSANITY?? Is it possible to have a normal conversation with a person who is severely mentally deranged?? This argument just doesn't make any sense!