Take Responsibility for Your Heath!
If we want to take Rebbe Nachman's advice and to stay away from doctors, then it's time that we live responsible lifestyles and to give the body what it deserves…

Summer is here. Deep within the natural world, the vital force of life has risen, within each tree, within each blade of grass, renewing, blossoming and basking in its glorified completeness underneath the sun’s healing rays. As in nature, so too with us human beings, spring and summer allude to the potential for restoration and completeness within.
Which gets me thinking… Restoration and wholeness – as well as destruction, are processes that we are often not so aware of since they take place deep within the earth, or deep within our psyches, or deep within our bodies. Here’s the point I would like to make about the spring and summer processes as they relate to our own processes of restoration, wholeness and destruction.
Whatever health issue you’re dealing with at the moment – it came about due to a series of lifestyle choices and circumstances and events that took place in your life. Before you get defensive on me, let me just explain that I am not trying to blame you or tell you what to do. I’m just trying to tell you a life truth. If you’re open to hearing the truth – congratulations! You’re one of the rare ones.
Everyone seems to think disease is something that gets you. The body made a mistake and let a virus in. The body raised its temperature because its thermostat must be off. The body is purging mucus through the nose for no logical reason. Cellular mutation is happening because of an unfortunate bad gene. Right. Your body made a mistake or is just plain stupid or was created with a defect and now it’s deciding to self-destruct.
NO. Your body does not self-destruct or just break down one day. Let’s remember that it was not made in China, it was made by Hashem. Your body is ALWAYS trying to save you, including when you yourself have done a bad job at keeping it alive.
Can we take some responsibility here?
Whatever you’re dealing with you’ve earned it. It came about as a result of something that you did, probably over and over. You may have eaten, drank, breathed or put on your skin a high amount of acidic, toxic goo. Maybe you’ve been stressing out on a daily basis thereby weakening and acidifying your blood and organs. You may have taken fever reducing or cough suppressing medicine in the past and have therefore halted your body’s natural efforts to clean itself out of harmful mucus and toxins. You may have loaded up on processed food that led to the accumulation of metabolic waste inside your body in which your cells have had the displeasure of marinating in day in day out. Whatever it was, it triggered an internal process of breakdown.
The body is so mind-blowingly intelligent and elegant, and yet we just throw it away.
Why? Because potato chips taste good and organic is expensive and I like Pepsi Max, and I just don’t care about my body until it gets into trouble with some catastrophic disease? Then I’m willing to wake up (maybe) and pay it some attention. That is if I can get over the shock and depression to focus well enough.
Next time your body conks out on you with a virus, infection, fever, diarrhea, here’s a tiny bit of advice for you: don’t stop any of it. Unless it is truly life threatening. Why? Because there is a valiant effort being made here by your body to purge itself of harmful mucus and toxins. When your body gets overloaded with bad food, metabolic waste and toxins, at some point it’s going to have to clean out. Yes, it may be inconvenient but if you stop the symptoms with medication you are driving the toxic load deeper into your tissue so that next time the s symptoms are harsher, scarier and even more inconvenient.
Rest. Go to sleep early. Stop eating. Drink water, freshly squeezed citrus juices and herbal teas. Do a sauna to sweat.
Your body just wants to live so that it can take you around this world I order to accomplish your tikkun and mission. Can you give it some credit and respect and treat it well? Begin the process of restoration.
These warm summer weather months are especially conducive to restoration and healing. Take advantage and build up your health, and immunity. Get out doors and take deep breaths of fresh air. Soak up the sun’s healing rays. Load up on summer fruit which is especially cleansing and energizing – melons, grapes, mangoes, berries, peaches. At the beach inhale the fresh salty air, go barefoot and get grounded to the earth’s healing negative charge, use the sound of the waves to relax. Eat less, laugh more. drive less, walk more.
If you’d like to be able to heed Rebbe Nachman’s emphatic warnings against doctors (He urged his followers to avoid medicine even in cases of serious illness and said that the majority of doctors have no understanding of the art of healing), then this is the way to go. Stay away from negative lifestyle choices and let your body do the healing when the going gets rough. Unlike pharmaceuticals the body does not suppress, it heals.
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Email Yardena at holyhealthiness@gmail.com.
Shallow article
There is some truth in this article, but it is way too facile. A person can do so much to take care of their health, but there are so many circumstances that are completely out of the hands of the individual: unavoidable genetic diseases, stress overload from living in a warzone or from chronic domestic abuse, diseases that are triggered by accidents, malnourishment as a result of pervasive soil deplenishment, electrosensitivity to pervasive technology, etc, etc, etc. I agree that the medical profession can be problematic, but it can also save lives. We have to use our common sense. All the gedolim of our generation went to doctors when they were sick. And no gadol of our generation would tell a person not to seek out appropriate medical treatment. A person should do their best to take care of their health, seek appropriate medical attention as necessary, and most importantly pray to Hashem, and say the asher yatzar bracha with a lot of intention. (The latter is from Rav Kanievsky shlita, from the Steipler.) Unfortunately, there is a lot of bad advice on the Breslev site with respect to health. I truly hope that no-one actually heeds it.
There is some truth in this article, but it is way too facile. A person can do so much to take care of their health, but there are so many circumstances that are completely out of the hands of the individual: unavoidable genetic diseases, stress overload from living in a warzone or from chronic domestic abuse, diseases that are triggered by accidents, malnourishment as a result of pervasive soil deplenishment, electrosensitivity to pervasive technology, etc, etc, etc. I agree that the medical profession can be problematic, but it can also save lives. We have to use our common sense. All the gedolim of our generation went to doctors when they were sick. And no gadol of our generation would tell a person not to seek out appropriate medical treatment. A person should do their best to take care of their health, seek appropriate medical attention as necessary, and most importantly pray to Hashem, and say the asher yatzar bracha with a lot of intention. (The latter is from Rav Kanievsky shlita, from the Steipler.) Unfortunately, there is a lot of bad advice on the Breslev site with respect to health. I truly hope that no-one actually heeds it.