The French Connection, 2015
As we stand at the edge of history, Jewish life in France nearing its end thanks to Islamic extremism, Western cognitive dissonance, and classic antisemitism…

What the prophets called “end of days” and the sages called “birth pangs of the Messianic era,” we call “news.” We’re living in very momentous times. And as we stand at the edge of history, we can see Jewish life in France nearing its end thanks to Islamic extremism, Western cognitive dissonance, and classic antisemitism that’s been simmering for decades.
And this is this same lethal cocktail that’s also threatening the future of Jewish life in America.
The Zohar warned about today’s obsessive hatred of Jews by Islamic supremacists and their accomplices, saying “no exile will be as oppressive to the Jewish people as the Ishmaelite Exile.” (Zohar, Part 2, 17:1). The Zohar revealed that after all the turbulent exiles the Jews will have endured — Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman — there will be one more exile before the Messianic age, the Ishmaelite Exile, the exile we’re now in.
Today, there are fewer than 14 million Jews in the world. Yet there are 1.6 billion Muslims, and as many as 351 million of them support jihad in some form according to a 2013 Pew study. That means there are 25 times more Islamic jihad supporters in the world than there are Jews.
The Jews in the diaspora are outnumbered and vulnerable. In France alone, Jews make up only 1% of the French population while up to 10% of France’s population is Muslim, as reported in the CIA’s World FactBook. And after an especially hellish year in France that included countless incidents of violent physical assaults, synagogue firebombings, an enraged mob shouting “Death to the Jews!”, the French parliament voting to recognize “Palestine” as a state and the horrific murder of four Jewish hostages at a kosher supermarket, it’s clear there’s no future for Jews in France.
Most French Jews agree. Even back in May, a poll revealed that two-thirds of France’s Jews have considered emigrating.
This wouldn’t be the first time Jews were driven out of France. After decades of bloodshed, France expelled its Jews in 1394 (and didn’t allow them back in until the 1500s). And France’s Vichy government helped deport 76,000 Jewish men, women and children to German death camps in 1941 and 1942. But with the current Islamic threat of violence and murder the Jews face every day in France, combined with the imminent redemption of the Jewish people just around the corner, it appears that Jewish life in France may end for good this time.
And America may not be too far behind.
According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program, Jews are by far the top victims of anti-religious hate crimes in America. And to make matters worse, anti-Jewish Islamic extremists have developed a network of organizations across America dedicated to spreading their hateful, violent ideology.
One of these organizations, Muslims of the Americas (MOA), is a terrorist group led by a radical cleric in Pakistan named Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani who calls Jews “examples of human Satans” and claims that the Jews devised Pearl Harbor to make the U.S. fight Hitler. The non-profit Clarion Group says MOA has 22 “Islamic villages” around the United States involved in guerilla war training. MOA’s headquarters, called Islamberg, is located in Hancock, New York and serves as a radical state within a state.
The U.S. Justice Department also confirmed the existence of Muslim Brotherhood entities embedded in the U.S. — especially the Islamic Society of North America, the North American Islamic Trust and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) — by naming them as un-indicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation plot to fund the Islamic terrorist group Hamas.
And aside from Islamist organizations in America bent on destroying Jews, there are the recent day-to-day antisemitic incidents. Such as? An angry young man named Abdallah Mohamed threatening a Jewish deli owner in Oregon: “You Israeli … I’ll blow up your store in the name of Allah!” Or public schools in Newton, Massachusetts giving students materials advocating Israel’s destruction while whitewashing Hamas’s genocidal charter. Or CNN anchor Jim Clancy sending abusive Twitter messages to pro-Israel activists. Or the rising antisemitism on U.S. college campuses with pro-Palestinian Muslim students terrorizing Jewish students.
The list of recent anti-Semitic incidents in the U.S. goes on.
Granted, antisemitism in America isn’t as brutally explosive as it is in France. Yet. But the ingredients are there to be ignited, especially when top government officials refuse to recognize Islamic supremacists as a threat.
The Ishmaelite Exile, the last exile, is now picking up speed. For Jews, France is already over. Belgium, Greece, and England are under way. And America’s getting there. It’s becoming increasingly unsafe for Jews throughout the entire diaspora, and it’s becoming obvious there’s no future for us in our host countries.
With the in-gathering of the exiles already in progress, it’s time to come home to the Land of Emuna, the Land G-d gave us, the only land the Jews have. At the very least, it’s time to start making plans to leave before the doors shut once again.
Jews are Judah not all 12 Tribes
It is an incorrect belief that the 'Jews' represent the 12 Tribes when this is historically and Biblically incorrect. The Northern Kingdom of Israel went its own way in exile and never returned to Eretz Yisrael as a nation, maybe only a small remnant but most went north, east and west and intermarried with gentile tribes, however Hashem knows who they are and even Josephus states that they were a distinct group separated from the Jewish people. So why does the Jewish community teach and believe such inaccuracies??
It is an incorrect belief that the 'Jews' represent the 12 Tribes when this is historically and Biblically incorrect. The Northern Kingdom of Israel went its own way in exile and never returned to Eretz Yisrael as a nation, maybe only a small remnant but most went north, east and west and intermarried with gentile tribes, however Hashem knows who they are and even Josephus states that they were a distinct group separated from the Jewish people. So why does the Jewish community teach and believe such inaccuracies??