Count on Rebbe Shimon!
Why do hundreds of thousands of people frequent Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai's holy gravesite in Meron every Lag B'Omer? They have someone to count on...

Rebbe Yehoshua ben Levi was one of the greatest miracle workers and righteous sages of the Talmud. But in a trying situation, he suggests that we count on Rebbe Shimon (tractate Berachot, 9a).
For centuries, Jews have done everything in their power to pray by Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai’s holy grave site in Meron on Lag B’Omer, his yahrtzeit, or day of departure from the physical world. Throughout the ages, people have seen phenomenal miracles after having come to Meron on Lag B’Omer, the thirty-third day of the Omer. What’s so special about it?
The Zohar in the beginning of the Idra Zuta tells that moments before Rebbe Shimon left this world he gathered his students and told them that this – the Eighteenth of Iyar and Lag B’Omer – should be a day of joy and celebration. The Arizal says, “On Lag B’Omer the Tanna Rashbi (acronym for Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai) stands at his holy resting place and blesses each and every person that comes to pray there and rejoice in his name on his holy yahrtzeit.”
A blessing from Rebbe Shimon, author of the holy Zohar who revealed the esoteric secrets of Torah, invokes miracles. Thousands of Jewish children are named “Shimon” in honor of Rashbi, since they were born as a result of their parents’ supplications in Meron. I’d like to share one such story with you, in which I was personally involved.
Tomer and Sari Berman (names changed to protect their privacy) were born into secular homes in Haifa. Tomer had been a sailor in the Israeli Merchant Marines and Sari was a former champion athlete. After having received emuna books and CDs, Tomer and Sari decided to pursue an observant Jewish lifestyle. They hoped that their spiritual turnaround would accord them with the merit of having children, for they had been married for six years already and were yet to be blessed with children.
As an athlete, Sari had suffered a type of hernia that is associated with tremendous strain on the inguinal area. Her reproductive apparatus was severely damaged and fertility specialists told her that she had a minuscule chance of ever having children. She and Tomer weren’t satisfied with the answer they received in the Israeli fertility clinic, so they used up every bit of their savings seeking the advice and treatment of specialists in Europe and America. Broken-hearted and empty-pocketed, they came back to Israel, a week before Lag B’Omer. They gave me a call and asked if I had any advice for them. I told them that they should take advantage of the Arizal’s promise, go to Meron on Lag B’Omer, and get the blessing of Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai. If possible, they should also do six hours of personal prayer there. They did.
Twelve months later, on the eleventh day of Iyar, little baby Berman was born. The day of the Brit Mila, the circumcision, came out on the 18th of Iyar, Lag B’Omer! Despite the difficulties involved, Tomer and Sari insisted on having his Brit (circumcision) in Meron. They did, and they named the baby Shimon.
Three years later, Shimon had his challakeh, his first haircut, in Meron.
Next year, G-d willing, Shimon Berman will have his bar mitzvah in Meron.
You can surely count on Rebbe Shimon.
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