Afraid of the Truth?
Since people are afraid of the truth, they miss seeing and understanding the truth about themselves, which is the greatest tragedy of all...

Getting to know your higher self, your soul, is of great value to human life. Material significance is prized when we pair it with our spiritual objectives. We each hold a prized possession; it is our birthright to get to know that God and us are one. Belief in God also applies to the belief in ourselves, that we hold within us a spark of Godliness – a particle of our Creator.
The great journey of fulfilling a life of self-actualization and searching to better understand our reason for living is a captivating passage. Seeking God in the world at large and personally in our lives though does incur hindrances along the way.
Let us explore three major impediments that we may confront along the way to self-awareness and improvement:
1. A closer look at life may reveal that we subconsciously refuse to know.
Many of us simply do not wish to acknowledge that we hold within us a Divine spark. In fact when we hear of a person who decides to change their lifestyle after becoming aware of the knowledge that they hold a part of Infinite nature, we are outright surprised.
A person does not have to believe that they carry within them an eternal spark of Godliness, however entertaining the possibility and going through the process of discerning the truth is the only way to consider whether this option exists. Why live a life of maybe when we can search for our true self and live life the way we were meant to?
There is a clash that goes on in every mind; a battle to establish harmony of thought. A flow of wavering beliefs flood our mind and cause a storm of confusion. That which we believe in will come out through our actions. The book of Proverbs (23:7a) writes, “As he thinks in his heart, so is he”. As we chose to explore further into our true purpose of living we conquer and control our thoughts thus dismissing rising doubts. In due course as our mind apprehends the truth our actions will follow.
It is advisable not to compromise on this step and not to settle on perchance as life and society tends to slowly wear us down. It chips away at our heart and soul and causes us to lose interest in pursuing our spiritual goals. We get so caught up in tangible reality and get swallowed up by the rat race of life. Nonetheless, we should hold on to our inspiration and pressing desire to get to the bottom of why we are alive.
The first step towards acquiring spiritual knowledge is to choose your teachers wisely so that they may guide you in your path of study. It is valuable to surround yourself by people, reading material and possibly attend classes that will remove the overcast of confusion and bring you to fully attain the truth behind your purpose in life.
2. How can I live in both the spiritual and material worlds at the same time? What will happen after I find out?
There is a common misconception that if we assume a spiritual lifestyle we will not be able to enjoy the material world as well. This is incorrect. As we discover our spiritual purpose we attach ourselves to an entirely new system of values and priorities. Consequently our course of thinking and action shifts to better suit this renewed outlook.
This adjustment to our life’s path is not viewed as compromise rather a restored life filled with renewed significance. Yet we can still enjoy the best of both worlds with this newly found awareness.
Living life with your Divine essence in the forefront links all moments to a higher purpose. The commitment to develop spiritual goals directs our thoughts and actions and enriches our life here on earth. It means living a life with awareness of every word, thought and deed that builds spiritual integrity and clarity of mind.
Once again this doesn’t mean that we must renounce this world, but if we choose a spiritual path our mind will most likely be attuned to a different track of thinking and living. It is so easy to live life solely by its surface appearance but our spiritual awareness will allow us to perceive more deeply into the essence of everything. Coming into contact with the core of people and events is an elevating experience. We can live and enjoy this world while readjusting our consciousness.
3. Are there any spiritual shortcuts?
It is highly unlikely that any spiritual accomplishments will be born overnight. In this world of instant gratification we wish to attain a spiritual high in a spur-of-the-moment. Nevertheless we cannot jump the gun. Just as there is no quick fix to muscle building, weight loss or forming a meaningful relationship, when it comes to something so significant the work is commensurate to the reward.
We must stay on the path for as long as it takes to reach that place where we wish to be. Comprehensive knowledge and spiritual understanding is a process of awakening. Each stage on the trail is likened to going from living on automatic pilot to living with a keen awareness of life. The journey is bejeweled with illuminating work and filled with enthusiasm.
Pursuing one’s own legend does not end in reaching the final goal; the search for the treasure is exciting in and of itself. The transformation cannot occur without the trip and the treasure may be waiting for you under the same tree you have been passing all of your life and never noticed was there.
We owe it to ourselves to know who we are, why we are here and what we came here to do. The search begins with a zealous will to free ourselves of suspicion of what might be true. This can only come about through studying those texts which come into question. Living a life of deep perception and connecting to a higher reality that unites everything is worth traveling the road.
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Orit Esther Riter is author of “Daily Dose of Emuna“.
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