Cosmic Messages
Hashem is opening a dialog with us on a personal and collective level to draw close. Our positive intentions and emotions for Hashem and His Torah have tremendous power to not just enrich our lives, but also to bring the entire world to know Hashem.

Hashem communicates with us both on an individual (microcosmic) and a collective (macrocosmic) level. He sends personal messages when we initiate the contact. By us reaching up first, we demonstrate our bitachon—our trust and total reliance on Hashem with the understanding that He runs the world, loves us, and desires an authentic relationship with us. He alone has the answer to all our questions and is waiting for us to begin a heartfelt dialogue with Him. That is when the messages start to flow, and clarity is the awesome by-product.
When, on Mount Sinai, we said Na’aseh v’Nishmah, “We will do and then we will learn and understand,” we were a young, immature, and fledgling nation. Now it’s different. We’ve been given the time to mature. Hashem desires that we choose Him. When we turn to Hashem with our concerns or questions before we turn to a human messenger or come to an important decision, we become an expanded vessel to hold the blessings in store for us. The only way to reveal Hashem and beckon forth the ultimate goal of the end of war, of illness, and of death is to truly love Hashem and His Torah. How can we do this? This is possible when we yearn for the truth and discover for ourselves that living with Hashem and by the Torah enriches our lives beyond anything we could ever imagine. When uncanny things happen to us and we share our personal journey with others, we light a flame inside another person. As we strengthen our personal relationship to Hashem, we soften the birth pangs of Mashiach.
It is no coincidence that on April 5th, 2024 there was an earthquake in the area of central New Jersey just west of New York City, with a magnitude of 4.8, which “just happens to be” the same two numbers that reflect the date on the Gregorian calendar of the total solar eclipse—April 8th (4/8). [Editor’s note: See Living in the Vibration of Geulah.] These two events of 2024 (5784) are related in that they are both communications on the macrocosmic level to all humanity. The shaking is certainly not ominous. It is a reminder for us to take the time to focus on immutable, unshakeable truths of the Torah that will always exist, examine how we relate to them, and shake free from any man-made idols that are false—any ideologies, thoughts, people, things, misconceptions, or habits that camouflage the truth of Ein Od Milvado—that there is only Hashem and His instructions—His holy Torah. In short, we need to review our priorities and use of time with relation to the agenda of our soul. On Lag B’Omer 1990, the Lubavitcher Rebbe said earthquakes help us “shake off our mistaken beliefs” and remind us to thank Hashem for all the goodness and abundance He provides for us.
A very deep symbolic message relevant to the solar eclipse of April 8th is that the sun represents Hashem and His Torah, as the mashpiah (the Giver), and the moon, the Jewish nation, receives. She is the mekabel. Then a beautiful love relationship develops when we choose Him just as He chose us, the epitome of what every authentic love relationship truly is! As the receiver, it is our job to show gratitude in two ways: (1) Speaking to Hashem and choosing Him as our primary confidante and (2) Breaking free of spending an inordinate amount of time on pursuing a livelihood and on hobbies that do not serve a higher purpose. That is not to say that our careers and our talents and interests do not matter. They most certainly do within the framework of serving Hashem, holding Him close, and breaking free of lusts, desires, and habits that do not serve our higher good. Spiritual elevation is the purpose of the Jewish nation.
The Maharal of Prague of the 16TH century postulated that a solar eclipse reminds us that the Torah is not merely an interesting work worthy of perusing on various occasions but rather that Hashem desires that we develop a passion for the Torah and utilize it to enrich every single aspect of our earthly lives. It brings Hashem great nachas (pride and joy) when His children fall in love with Torah, our instructional guidebook for living a life of meaning, through understanding what the precepts do for human relationships and for life itself. Then we become inspired, motivated, and passionate, of our own volition, to learn more and to disseminate the teachings of the holy Torah to the world. This is precisely why Hashem gave us the Torah as opposed to giving it to the angels, who wanted it so much. Hashem’s word is not meant solely for a privileged few.
Once again, we see how very significant our intentions and our positive emotions are. Our love for Hashem and His Torah is felt in the Heavens above. When we discover for ourselves the beauty and the positive effects of connecting to and aligning with the Creator, we contribute to shifting the paradigm of the world away from sheker (falsehoods) to kesher (connection). We help usher in the era of peace and tranquility that we all so desire. The power of our collective faith, trust, intentions, interactions, and passion for truth cannot be overemphasized. Hashem loves us. It’s time to show our gratitude and love Him back.
Lori is an educator and life optimization coach. Her book entitled Living in Happiness: The Call to Return is available on BookBaby Bookshop currently with a 20% discount for our readers, when applying the code UNITY20.
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