Living in the Vibration of Geulah
The up-coming solar eclipse will occur on Rosh Chodesh Nissan, the month of miracles in which we celebrate the first redemption from the Egyptian exile. The eclipse serves as an impetus to elevate our spiritual potential to lead the world into a new phase of history – the fourth and final redemption.
There is no question that we are living in pre-Messianic times that can be described as a process of rebirth—of the breaking down of old paradigms of constriction and negativity similar to that of a chick breaking free from the eggshell or a caterpillar feeling the confines of its cocoon as it transitions into a beautiful butterfly. Yet it is still possible and extremely advisable to live in the high vibratory energy of the new paradigm of positivity, tranquility, faith, trust, peace, compassion, gratitude, and, most of all, joy. Then we ask, and rightfully so, “How can we possibly do this with chaos and challenges all around us and within us?” The short answer is to embrace the truth that Rebbe Nachman teaches, which is “Our reality is a reflection of our thoughts. We are where our thoughts are.” Therefore, we must think only good.
When we desire with every fiber of our being to live in this new reality, our first step is to think good thoughts, which influence our emotions to the positive with the goal of believing that we are already there. With ever-present thoughts of redemption canceling out all the negativity from our minds we can then rise to the occasion by way of our willingness to do honest self-assessment in the presence of our Creator during our daily personal prayer (hitbodedut) sessions. Our goal is to ascend above the snake or ego mentality—the constricted and controlling Pharaoh mindset—as we move out of our comfort zone away from habits that pull us down. As we view others in a positive light with a strong determination to give the benefit of the doubt, judge favorably, and feel empathy while refraining from complaints, blaming, and criticisms., we transition to freedom and to the geula dimension of Moses and connection to Hashem and our higher self.
We strive to elevate ourselves for two reasons: (1) When we go above and beyond our nature, Hashem responds to us in ways that are above nature and (2) When we become aware of our emotional triggers and request Hashem’s assistance to subdue their influence over us, we are doing the inner work necessary to help move not only our personal world but the outer world into a redemptive state. This geula mentality is one in which we focus on our “response-ability”—the opposite of succumbing to a knee-jerk reaction to events or people that trigger us. We respond rather than react. We make it our mission to speak to others with decorum, compassion, self-restraint, and a keen understanding that, due to our prolonged exile (galut), we’ve all experienced trauma based upon the uniqueness of our individual life journeys. Realizing this, we work hard to control our thoughts, which impact our emotions, which influence how we behave with regard to self, Hashem, and others.
When we work on mind-control and look to Hashem for His help in re-wiring our brain to respond in an elevated, uplifted, positive manner, even when tested, we are perfecting the world. Each person is a world; therefore, everyone who lives this way is creating a vessel for Hashem’s blessings as we hasten the geula together.
When we view this assignment as Mission Possible, we position ourselves to live in an elevated dimension. We are then able to connect to the up-coming projected total solar eclipse as something far more than a natural, albeit infrequent, occurrence. The eclipse is, indeed, a mystical cosmic event, in which the moon, which represents the Jewish nation, covers the sun, which represents the nations that go against G-d. The awesome fact about this event is that it falls out on Rosh Chodesh Nissan1, the month of miracles, as its name comes from the Hebrew word for miracle, which is nes. Thus, we transition from Adar, the month of unparalleled joy, to the month of Nissan, in which Passover occurs, to celebrate the first redemption from the Egyptian exile. The eclipse serves as an impetus to elevate our spiritual potential to lead the world into a new phase of history that we all so desire—that of the fourth and final redemption. The timing of the event is no coincidence.
The eclipse as a supernatural event that could only be orchestrated by a loving G-d sending His children a message of hope and a glimpse into the future. Our task is to align with the energy of miracles, with Hashem, and with the agenda of our soul. Even if we have to “fake it until we make it” as we move beyond our comfort zone and align with G-d’s intentions for us by becoming a beacon of light in our thoughts, speech, and deeds. This three-pronged approach involves our positive thoughts that create the emotions of enthusiasm, gratitude, and joy; carefully-chosen words that express the love language of Hashem—words of comfort, empathy, gratitude, truth and understanding; and actions and behavior that reflect the agenda of our souls. Hashem rewards us for our efforts and does not expect perfection. In this way, we project the energy of the geula into the world at this auspicious time in history when Hashem is beckoning us to elevate ourselves and return to Him as we return to who we were created to be.
1On April 8, 2024, the total solar eclipse path will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada during midday. This date and time are erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan in the United States, but Rosh Chodesh Nissan in Israel.
Lori is an educator and life optimization coach. Her book entitled Living in Happiness: The Call to Return is available on BookBaby Bookshop currently with a 20% discount for our readers, when applying the code UNITY20.
To show the tremendous disparity of the sun and the moon – the sun is about 400 times larger and 450,000 times brighter than our moon.
During the total eclipse on the upcoming Rosh Chodesh Nissan, the moon will be at it’s smallest, thinnest, “weakest” state and yet it will completely obliterate the enormous, dominate sun! Imagine – one tiny moon of one planet in the entire solar system can do such a thing!
Following the author’s analogy of the moon representing am Yisrael and the sun representing the nations of the world, we see the picture of the final Redemption when Hashem is known to all mankind. Such is the positive power of our teshuva.