The Road to Freedom
During the Seder, we are commanded to feel that we were personally liberated from Egypt. This takes real effort over time - how can we feel liberated when we're in such chaotic times?

On the second day of Passover one of my friends really shook me up. He said we are commanded at the Passover Seder to feel as if we had personally been liberated from Egypt. He emphasized that this is not optional. It’s an explicit commandment. After contemplating this I realized I needed to work on myself. Further, I realized that this would not be something I could complete in one day or even during the remaining week of Passover. Rather, it would require concerted effort over time. Most importantly, I realized that only with emuna can we attain true freedom.
A person can have temporary feelings of freedom and well-being but without emuna these can soon be shattered by events which cause anxiety, frustration, or anger. A person maintains a true feeling of freedom only via an unshakable conviction that everything comes from Hashem, is for the best, and is for a purpose.
I would like to suggest five measures that can build emuna and freedom.
Personal Prayer
Take time each day to talk to Hashem in your own words as you would to a loving father or a best friend. When you share your hopes, dreams, successes, joys, and worries with the Creator you will feel His presence up close and personal. Over time this will certainly build your level of emuna like nothing else can.
Pray for Emuna
It’s natural to believe that when something happens it’s caused by other people or by a chain reaction of natural events. One must rise above nature to realize that there is only one King Who is the Author, Producer and Director of everything that happens. Certainly, we need to desire emuna, and work on it. However, we cannot attain strong emuna without help from Hashem. We need to pray and repeatedly request this most precious gift.
There has never been so many opportunities to study this topic. There are emails, lectures, and articles that are easily accessible. In just a few minutes you can gain inspirational insights to build your emuna.
This website is an especially helpful resource The articles only take few minutes to read and there are powerful videos by Rabbi Shalom Arush that can be viewed in two minutes or less.
Additionally, you can read a book on emuna and make progress even if you are able to budget only a few minutes a day. Underline the points that resonate with you. Pray to Hashem that you remember, internalize, and implement these concepts. When you get to the end of the book go back and begin again reading the annotated sections and continue to ask Hashem for help to bring these insights down into your heart.
Do not just keep these insights to yourself. Rebbe Nachman says it’s good to speak about emuna. You will not only help others, but you’ll also help yourself! An especially favorable time to do this is at the Shabbat table.
Concentrate on the Name of Hashem
It’s especially important that whenever we prepare to say the four-letter name of Hashem in prayer that we pause and contemplate that we are talking to the Master of the Universe. It’s well worth the extra time to slow down and reflect on the fact that we are standing before the all-powerful King Who loves us. Over time, this will build a deep faith that our Father and King is fully in charge of everything that happens.
Gratitude is the express train to emuna. By thanking Hashem throughout the day, we recognize that He is the Source of everything good in our lives.
One technique I learned from Rabbi Pliskin’s book Thank You is to pause numerous times throughout the day and ask yourself: “What am I grateful for right now?” Set reminders on your cell phone so you’ll be sure to do this at periodic intervals during the day. Over time your feelings of gratitude and closeness to the Creator will increase.
A Daily Accounting
When you embark on your plan, a cheshbon or daily review is essential to make sure you make progress and don’t stagnate or regress. Evaluate yourself and thank Hashem for your successes while asking for help where you’ve fallen short. A good time to do this is right before going to bed.
As you begin the quest to enhance emuna you will experience many difficulties. Sometimes on a given day you’ll have more “downs” than “ups”. Additionally, over time you may feel discouraged that you haven’t made the progress you anticipated. Here’s a story that will help:
In one of Rabbi Biederman’s Torah Wellsprings publications, he recounts that Rabbi Chaim Kreisworth headed a Beit Din that was involved with a dispute involving 1/1000 of 1%. People asked why anyone would waste time disputing something so small. Rabbi Kreisworth said this was a case involving diamond manufacturers and the deal amounted to 1 billion dollars. Therefore, 1000th of a percent was $10,000, a significant sum.
If this is the case in commerce, how much more so when we work to enhance our faith and service to the Master of the World. Each small improvement has infinite, unfathomable, and eternal value. We should realize that our small baby steps are so very precious to Hashem and create enormous merit for us and the Jewish people.
As we move forward from Purim to Passover let’s continue striving towards true freedom through the study and practice of emuna. In doing so, we will bring blessings to ourselves, our families, and the entire world.
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