Longing to Get on a Jet Plane
Many people long to come to Israel, but don't believe that they'll be able to overcome the obstacles; if you're one of them, here is something you must know...

Rabbi Shalom Arush has been telling Jews everywhere to move to Israel for years. However, many people answer that they simply cannot move for financial, family, or other reasons. This message is especially for you! This message is also applicable to anyone who feels stuck in a seemingly hopeless situation – but I’m going to adapt it specifically for the aforementioned situation.
I also was stuck in the US, in a house that was underwater, debt, a divorce, etc. etc. When I opened my tik Aliyah (application to move to Israel), I was hoping against hope that MAYBE I could make aliyah in 2-3 years. I was on a plane in 6 months!
Don’t ask me how I did it, because I most emphatically did not do it. Hashem did!!!
Come on,you tell me, you must have some advice for me! What do I do???
The advice comes straight from Rebbe Nachman, his primary disciple Rebbe Natan, and Rabbi Shalom Arush. I applied it, and Hashem saved me. This I can promise you: Hashem loves you just as much as He loves me, and He will be only too happy to help you too! Hashem is The Only Address, and He is good for everything!
Rebbe Natan writes many, many times that Rebbe Nachman constantly reminded him that obstacles are designed by Hashem to increase your desire. Increase your desire and your prayers, and G-d willing Hashem will remove all the barriers at the right time. Remember, they were all from Him in the first place. If He can put them up, He can take them down!!! He writes that the obstacles and barriers are literally nothing! Nothing! Keep praying and break through all the barriers! I highly suggest you read the incredible biography about him: Through Fire and Water (available at the Breslev Israel store) and gain strength from the many times throughout the book he applied this advice, and the barriers went down at the right time – every single time.
That’s nice,you’re thinking. I still need help applying that to me. Enter Rabbi Arush.
Rabbi Arush explains a teaching of Rebbe Nachman, that many things have spiritual “price tags” of sorts. You must pay the price tag with prayers. Every prayer, every word, is a vessel. All the vessels add up to bring down sheffa (abundance – physical and spiritual) and whatever a person needs.
So, the very first thing is to open that tik Aliyah! Create the vessel for Hashem to fill. Contact Nefesh B’Nefesh or the Israel Agency office near you and start your application. You can’t move to Israel without it. Most people get financial help but even if you don’t, you can still get a lot of help with paperwork and much more, both before and after that long awaited flight. Just start the process. Get your documents together, renew your passports, etc. Even if there is something that would absolutely delay moving to Israel like a divorce, you can still start. Get everything together that you can. Give Hashem the ability to save you in an instant! Put your emuna that He WILL save you into action.
Now, fill that tik with prayers. Personal prayer or hitbodedut is the most effective prayer there is (make sure to read In Forest Fields if you haven’t already!). Beg Hashem for mercy and a free gift! Talk to Him in your own words, open your heart. Ask Him to enable you to finish whatever you need to do there, and bring you back to Israel. Every minute you create more vessels, and more vessels, and more vessels. An hour of hitbodedut creates a big box – 6 hours of hitbodedut creates a gigantic sack! No matter what, persist in your prayer. Moving to Israel is the biggest mitzvah in the Torah – it takes a lot of prayer to get you there. Don’t give up because Hashem doesn’t answer on the first day, the first month, or even the first year. I know someone that has been praying for five years to come to Israel – and just now Hashem worked major miracles for her (her words), and she’s on her way soon G-d willing. Don’t forget to pray for the Jews here in Israel too – we also need your prayers.
Next, fill that vessel with emuna. If you don’t believe Hashem can bring you to Israel, then He certainly will not. Strengthen your emuna that He can bring you to Israel! Forget about what it looks like b’derech hateva – the natural way. With emuna, miracles are natural, because truly everything is a miracle, and everything is natural. Read, or re-read, The Garden of Emuna. Pray about emuna too, and ask Hashem to strengthen your emuna as a free gift. Don’t forget to thank Hashem that you are not in Israel right now too, because that’s also for the best!
Finally, strengthen your personal holiness. The land of Israel is the land of emuna and holiness. You need both to live and thrive here. For men, this means guarding the covenant and guarding your eyes, and for women, this means modesty both in dress and mannerisms.
Don’t give up hope!!! Hashem can protect you anywhere in the world. But if you want to be in Israel, Hashem most certainly can bring you here – no matter what the obstacles. I’m living proof!
Thank you Thank you so much, your article is an answer to my many questions, i was praying about and Hashem used you to talk to me. May you always be blessed.
Thank you so much, your article is an answer to my many questions, i was praying about and Hashem used you to talk to me. May you always be blessed.
Thank you for your words of chizuk Thank you for your words. At the end of 2009 I was having hesitations about giving notice at my job (in Milwaukee) and coming back to Israel. One morning I was delayed at home and you called on behalf of Breslev for a donation and gave a most empassioned talk about the beauty of the Land and Holiness and the importance of Aliyah. You might not remember your call but I felt it was Rebbi Nachman/Arush speaking thru you. I returned to Israel a few months later. Keep writing and thank you again.