Flickering Wicks of Havdalah
Anyone who has merited to have even a glimpse of what that feels like, a small second of pure closeness to Hashem, knows that there is no other feeling like it...

Every Saturday night, Motzei Shabbat, we say Havdalah (a prayer concluding the Shabbat) with a flame of a few wicks, sweet spices, and wine which separates the holy Shabbat from the week. We mark the end of Shabbat, but it does not have to end the holiness and beauty that we feel this time each week. Just like the flame that we kindle on Motzei Shabbat, a Jew has the special kochot (abilities) to uplift things that are physical, into spiritual. Every ounce of kedusha (holiness) that we receive and absorb throughout Shabbat, sustains us until next Shabbat comes. This is one of the most beautiful presents from Hashem, and He does this so that we can recharge that kedusha (holiness) and be able to begin a new week with hitchadshut (renewal) and strength. We are given that kedusha (holiness) in order to make a kiddush Hashem, to sanctify Hashem’s name, in everything we do. We have the ability to bring Hashem into EVERY single little task, no matter how small it may seem!
Hashem is with you at all times. It is up to YOU whether or not you are going to shy away from that, or take complete advantage of it and be WITH Hashem every single second. Shabbat is the yichud room (room of seclusion) between Klal Yisrael and Hashem. It is special time given to us to be alone with Him, to have pure quality time with the Creator of the World. However, a marriage takes work. The more effort one puts into their marriage, the more their marriage will epitomize beauty, happiness, and light. The same goes for the marriage between us and Hashem. Shabbat is the yichud room, but the whole week is the marriage between us and Hashem, individually and as a nation. Closeness to Hashem does not just come to us. It takes effort on our part to sustain and kindle that marriage, just like the havdalah candle that we light on Motzei Shabbat.
By creating wicks that can be lit!
Every single time we do a mitzvah, a chesed (act of kindness), say a prayer, talk to Hashem in personal prayer, put on tefillin, put on a modest skirt, do something L’SHEM HASHEM (in the name of Hashem), we are creating a wick on our candle of avodat Hashem (serving Hashem). Once we create those wicks within ourselves, we are creating a spark between us and Hashem. Those sparks will create a fire that will burn strong forever, and that is how we raise ourselves up! That is how the fire in our hearts continues to burn! That is how we raise up the physical to the spiritual, by bringing Hashem into our lives, into everything that we do! The besamim (spices) we smell while we make Havdalah are sweet like Gan Eden. When you have a good marriage, it is like living in gan eden. Ultimately, having that marriage with the Ribono Shel Olam (Master of the world), and being close to Him, is the sweetest of the sweet. Anyone who has merited to have even a glimpse of what that feels like, a small second of pure closeness to Hashem, knows that there is no other feeling like it.
When we use the fire that is inside of us to bring holiness into our lives, we are making ourselves into a Kiddush cup, like the cup that we use for Havdalah, to receive all the blessing Hashem is longing to give us. One of the main points in a successful marriage is to giving to our spouse. Hashem wants to give to us, like we can’t even understand! He wants to fill our cups up with shefa bracha (an abundance of blessing!) But He can’t fill it up, if we fill it ourselves with mundane things that we “think” will make us happy. He cannot fill it up if we are chasing after things that “we think” can bring us happiness. Why? The ultimate happiness is closeness to Hashem! It is seeing the kedusha (holiness) in the smallest things. It is raising the lowest things in the world to the highest. It is having the purest, holiest marriage with the Ribono Shel Olam (Master of the World!) This is the avoda (work) of a Jew.
This week, get your cups ready! Spread Hashem’s light into the world. Ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing going to make Hashem proud?” Is what I am doing creating a wick on MY havdalah candle? Is what I’m going bringing me closer to Hashem?” A neshama (soul) is compared to a flame. A flame always rises, and you can be that flame and continue to grow. The power is in YOUR hands! Make it happen!
We should all merit this week to make the cups that are inside each one us ready and whole, to receive all of Hashem’s love and blessing. We should able to smell the sweetest smell of Gan Eden when we get a glimpse of the awesomeness of being close to Hashem Yitbarach. And to see the glowing of the candle, which we did our part in kindling, to light up our lives and the world, and to do our part in bringing Mashiach Tziddekinu, let it be soon!
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