Nemalah: The Ant

Nemalah is an industrious, sweet little yellow ant with wings who always helps her mother the queen; she lives in an anthill near a beautiful garden...

1 min

Chaya Golda Ovadia

Posted on 05.04.21

My name is Nemalah,
I’m a yellow worker ant.
I can do many things that my brothers can’t.
I look very different,
They are black garden ants, you see,
But I am quite happy to be yellow me.
G-d blessed me with wings,
Which my brothers weren’t given,
We each have what we need to help us in living.
We ants spend our time,
Carrying things home all day,
We work very hard with not much time to play.
We share all the chores,
With each special job to do,
Our colony grows deep as we dig, chop and chew.
If I fly to a leaf,
I can find food to eat,
I say a blessing on the honeydew, yummy and sweet.
When the busy day ends,
When we’re tucked into bed,
Our mother, the Queen, kisses us all on the head.
Then I say a small prayer,
Close my tired, heavy eyes,
And float into dreamland under calm starry skies.
Thank you, Hashem!  Good night!

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