Alignment with Your Purpose in Life
By living your life in alignment with your true purpose in life, you will continuously be in close contact with Hashem, and you'll never measure yourself by what other people think...

Are you currently unemployed? Are you struggling to make ends meet? Have you been seeking employment without success? If you are, you are not alone. As I am now approaching retirement age, I find that my standard of living is objectively lower than what it ever was – but here is the good news – never, in my life, have I been happier or more successful than I am now. How is this possible? – Please read on.
Although I have less money and material items that I did before making Aliyah, I feel rich because I see that I can be happy with much less. Since I have accepted that I will only receive the bounty that Hashem designates for me, I have been relieved of the obsessive pursuit of money. The more time and energy that I give to serving Hashem and others, the more spiritual abundance that I receive back. The very situation that made me feel impoverished before, has led me now to a spirit of prosperity which I can joyfully share with others.
Now I can give encouragement, inspiration, and hope to anyone who wants it. I can tell people how kind Hashem has been to me and how close He is to me now. I can write about how Hashem has helped me shed my self-centered personal ambitions and has elevated my talents to a far higher purpose. Hashem has taught me how he likes to be spoken to and I am finally asking him the right questions. Hashem has answered me by letting me know my true purpose and mission in this world.
When you find your true purpose in life, you too will cherish it beyond anything in this world. By living your life in alignment with your true purpose, you will continuously live in close contact with Hashem, and you will never compare or measure yourself by what other people think. You will no longer be fooled by the evil inclination who cloaks bad with “good.” Your eyes will no longer be drawn to the cheap thrills of this world; instead, you will be drawn to Holy people and seek to be close with them – for only they possess the truth, beauty, and goodness that you seek.
There is no poverty in the Truth – a life devoid of connection to your purpose is not even worth living. A person who does not recognize Hashem is headed for complete bankruptcy. While someone who serves Hashem without questions is elevated to national and global significance. Hashem will take you on as a partner in the rectification of His world. Hashem will open your eyes to the pain of His world and cause your heart to ache for those do not yet know Him. When you pray for them, through your tears, you will achieve complete wholeness – you will lack nothing.
The depravity and foolishness of today’s world offers you an unprecedented opportunity to choose Hashem instead. Hashem, whose essence and crowning Glory is His Joy, wants nothing more than to give you a life of paradise. A life based on these principles will lead you to a happiness that you have never known – you will acquire a happiness that is beyond your present conception of happiness and beyond psychology and philosophical speculation. Your joy will be deep, powerful and permanent. Your daily mood will be characterized by elation which will seem very simple and natural to you.
Hashem wishes to touch you with his Benevolent Hand and lavish you with his Abundance – there is only one prerequisite and that is your complete faith that there is a Creator – a Super-Being who loves you more than your conception of love can fathom. Just believe that nothing happens haphazardly. Hashem is running His world without mistakes so there is never anything to worry about. Then, you will extract joy and find a connection to Him in literally every thought and occurrence of your life.
Do you have clean water to drink? Do you have clothing, shelter, and nutritional foods to eat? Do you have access to medical care and Torah education for your children? Why not rejoice in what you have right now. Hashem is certainly meeting your needs! Thank Hashem for every “little” Blessing that you have received and He will surely give you even more to thank Him for. Absolute poverty only comes with sadness, complaints and dissatisfaction with what you have.
When you realize that you can be happy right now with what you presently possess, you can put an end to your worrying. Then you will discover that you yourself possess the power to heal other people. You will discover that Hashem has filled you and enveloped you with His brilliant white Light. The radiance of your smile will now bring life to the masses of sad faces you encounter; your Heavenly reward for this – alone – will transcend the reward of even scholars and philanthropists.
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