Land of the Holy
All of the problems in modern-day Israel, particularly the threat of imminent war, is directly associated with the level of personal holiness, both of men and women…

Now that I live in Israel, I’m slightly more sensitive to discussions about wars and bombings. I know, it’s hard to understand why. But seriously, there is constant awareness I sense from people in general- at any moment, anything can happen. Needless to say, this is not a place in which one can live a carefree life- though I don’t think it’s possible anywhere these days. Lately, as a result of my heightened awareness of the potentially explosive situation in Israel, I have asked myself (and Hashem) what the message is.
More specifically, I am referring to the ever-growing threat of war and takeover from our hostile neighboring countries. To me, it seems absurd. Their own countries are huge, vast expanses of land. They have more than enough space for everyone to live. Now if it were just the oppressed masses wanting to live in Israel because they are trying to escape their oppressive leaders, this would at least be an understandable motive. However, we know that this is not the case. The leaders, along with their people, want Israel for themselves. Does a 35-mile-wide piece of land really make that much of a difference for them? What’s really going on here?
Obviously, there is a spiritual message that many of us may not be aware of. Let’s try to view this issue from a perspective that is above the political realm. From a spiritual point of view, we can understand the message Hashem is trying to send the Nation of Israel. First, let me preface the following with this: no matter where you live, if you are Jewish, then you are part of Israel. Your actions, positive and negative, have tremendous impact on the fate of the entire people of Israel, whether you are aware of this or not.
To understand the answer, we must look at the promise Hashem made to Avraham our Forefather. It was only after Avraham underwent the covenant of circumcision that Hashem promised him that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the earth. It was also after the circumcision that Hashem promised that Avraham’s descendants would inherit the land of Israel. So we must ask the obvious question- what’s the connection between circumcision and Israel? Is it really that important?
First, we must understand why Judaism places so much emphasis on the mitzvah of circumcision to begin with. The Rambam teaches that a person must elevate the body’s lusts from an animalistic level and channel them to a higher, spiritual desire and purpose. We are not animals, but especially when it comes to physical matters, we forget this simple fact. The word “brit” actually means “covenant”. By the action of circumcision, we are bringing G-d into our lives in the most intimate way. We are making Him our partner in an area that will be tested throughout our lives. By doing so, we have a greater chance of success. We help our souls to control our bodies, and not vice versa.
Okay, but what in the world does this have to do with the other countries’ desire to annihilate Israel? Rebbe Nachman explains in his discussions on Israel. There are two ways a Jew is entitled to the land of Israel- one of them is the concept of circumcision. However, upon deeper understanding, it is not just the fact that one is circumcised that entitles him to live here. It is the associated morality that earns him his rightly place in this holy land. If the people of Israel live a morally upright life, they will be free to live in Israel in peace. However, instead of G-d taking the land away from the Jewish People if they break the covenant of morality, He has put us into exile. Is it starting to make sense now?
We can clearly see the spiritual big picture now. How many of us can say we are living morally upright lives? Even in Israel, all a person needs to do is go to Tel Aviv, home of the nightclubs and far-from-righteous behavior. All over the world, as a whole can us Jews honestly say we are a moral people? Do young, single Miami and New York Jews frequent bars just as much as non-Jews? You bet! I used to be in that young, single crowd, way back in the day. Do we text and flirt and have illicit relationships just as much as others? We sure do!
Hashem is screaming in our collective ears! “My children,” I imagine Him saying, “What else do I need to do to get you to live in a righteous way?” The Arab world is closing in on us, and the rest of the world doesn’t seem to care much. Let’s stop looking for political “solutions”, because there are none. “Bomb ‘em all” isn’t a practical or a humane solution, though many think this is the answer. Until we realize that they are just the stick in Hashem’s hands, as Rabbi Brody puts it, we are missing the message.
So what can we do to fix this problem? One solution is to work on overcoming our animalistic desires. Men, that means you. If you are regular visitors to adult sites, by all means, STOP. You cannot imagine the spiritual ramifications of your actions. If you live your lives looking for the next cheap thrill or one-night-stand, STOP. Aside from all of the broken hearts you leave by the side of the road, you are also doing tremendous spiritual damage to yourselves, your “lady friends”, and all of us collectively. For a great perspective on this issue in general, read Rav Arush’s “The Garden of Peace”.
Ladies, don’t think you’re off the hook so easily. If you dress and/or act provocatively, you are just as much a partner in crime as your partner of the evening. Hanging yourselves as cheap bait waiting to be swallowed up and spit out by the piranha on the prowl is just asking for trouble. You are worth infinitely more than that. Hold yourselves to a higher standard- you are The King’s daughters, worthy of a man who will cherish you and treat you like the princesses that you are. Don’t settle for anything less. “Women’s Wisdom” is also a must-read if you are serious about reaching your spiritual potential as a woman. By the way, I must reiterate- modest dress does not mean ugly. And the bottom line is, if you feel good about yourself, you’ll look good, too. All the makeup in the world can’t hide a low self-esteem.
If we are serious about reclaiming the rights to our beloved Israel, a moral lifestyle is the primary way to do this. May we all collectively merit to bring about an end to the threats that surround us, and may we welcome the era of peace and tranquility this year, Amen.
Books that help with Hashem’s help
The book "A G-d of our understanding Jewish Spirituality and Recovery from Addiction" by Chabad Rabbi Shais Taub, endorsed by Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. is an excellent resource for anyone who is struggling with any form of addiction. "The Garden of Purity- for men only." Chapter 4 of the Garden of Wisdom. "Happy with Yourself" Emuna cd helps us keep the mitzvoth with joy and explains what happens in Heaven when a person refrains just one time from looking at something he or she shouldn't.
The book "A G-d of our understanding Jewish Spirituality and Recovery from Addiction" by Chabad Rabbi Shais Taub, endorsed by Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. is an excellent resource for anyone who is struggling with any form of addiction. "The Garden of Purity- for men only." Chapter 4 of the Garden of Wisdom. "Happy with Yourself" Emuna cd helps us keep the mitzvoth with joy and explains what happens in Heaven when a person refrains just one time from looking at something he or she shouldn't.
well put Well put. Good lesson for everybody. I say this as a non-Jewish man.