A New Dawn
The light of The Transcendor is finally revealed to the whole world as everyone flocks to the Halls of Knowledge to fill their thirst for more and more light…

Warriors of Transcendence, Part 64
Everything was now more radiant than ever; the children’s eyes sparkled, the flowers seemed more colorful, the sky was illuminated, even people’s clothing seemed more beautiful.
“Have I changed, too?” each person asked himself.
Songs echoed from all the houses and laughter from the playgrounds. Farmers looked upon their plants and trees in awe- they had grown so tall and straight. The animals were calm, and a deep sense of serenity arose from the herds. There was not a cloud in the sky, and the sun shone into the hearts of all and upon all creations. Old remnants of grumpiness, intolerance, inner stresses and impatience, faded away and disappeared.
Sihara sat at the entrance to her home and watched the people pass her by. There had been times when she had not fully believed the villagers’ legends of their heritage, stories of their ancestors, the great Ancient Progeny- so few ever seemed to go beyond the kitchen, the field or the pasture. Now their nobility was revealed in all their characteristics and in every single motion. They continued to occupy themselves with their everyday labors, as though they were embroidering a tapestry of their deeds onto an immense, mysterious, complex creation. Their hearts expressed the deep meaning hidden in each action, and all conversations were inevitably linked to the Transcendor.
Tzalaii walked along the seashore, holding his young son’s hand.
“Listen, my son,” he said to the curly-haired boy. “If you listen, you will learn much wisdom here.”
He heard many voices speaking around him: “Hold the net well, brother, do not let your chance slip from your fingertips!” called an old fisherman. “And pay heed to the dark depths, the finest fish are found there.”
“When the weather grows stormy, fold your sails and don’t fight the wind,” another fisherman advised his fellow disciples. “Never let the storms threaten your peace.”
“Raise the anchor,” a voice echoed from beyond the pier. “Now release and flow with the right wave, allow the boat to find its place”
“Did you, too, learn here when you were four?” the little boy with wise eyes asked his father.
Tzalaii’s eyes clouded over. “I did, but that was a long time ago, and back then everything was much more difficult.”
“Aunt Sihara says that everything was confusing,” said the boy. “What does it mean to be confused, Father?”
“To be confused means to forget,” answered Tzalaii softly. “To forget your life, or to forget to be joyful, or to forget the great Transcendor.”
Dorianne sat at the foot of the mountain facing the village, watching the red flowers in bloom. After gazing at them for a while, she realized that the flowers were not merely red; their colors were ever- changing, ablaze, joyous. They seemed to be full of laughter, like playing children with no worries. In the dance of the flame, the flowers opened, revealing a white light from within. In the center of the light, Dorianne could see newborn babies with yellow hair, clear eyes, transparent bodies and a blue flame in their center. Her eyes filled with tears at the immense beauty of the scene, and she sat for a long time, finally arising
slowly and making her way home.
“Father, what shall there really be after everything?”
Ulu stopped reading and looked up.
“Hello, Dorianne,” he smiled. “Where have you been?”
“I was just down at the bottom of the mountain, but yesterday I walked through the forest, and last week I visited the sea. My teacher says that we must listen to the pulsations of life. I notice so much and it all seems to be bursting with celebration. Something inside of me is about to happen as well. What is it, father?”
“What do you think, Shaii?” Ulu asked his second daughter.
“I feel like an unhatched duckling in a swamp. Every day it becomes more and more crowded, and I know that beyond the shell awaits a vast sky. I am almost out of patience!”
Sage stood by the door, listening, with a smile on his face.
“You are both developing your wings, girls”, he said. “The time for transformation is near, and those who listen can hear the changes.”
“What do you know about the wings?” asked Dorianne. “What has Father taught you?”
“Sage learned a lot in a short time,” Ulu answered Dorianne in a calming voice, “and I am sure that you would not want to be in his place. Besides, each person takes a different route. You, Dorianne, should be attentive to the pulsations of life, Shaii must strive to find a way out of her shell, Sage is learning to believe in his own goodness, and I am learning to let go.”
“And you, mother?” Shaii wrapped her arms around her mother as she entered the room. “What have you been learning?”
“Every day brings upon its wings a new learning experience,” answered her mother with a smile. “I am learning to trust that I shall always have the strength necessary for the tasks intended for me by the Transcendor.”
The white wilderness was now blooming and buzzing with green life. The slopes were full of plant growth, and a gentle breeze caused everything to sway like in a dance. Forests grew in all directions as far as the eye could see, bursting with wild animals and birds. Streams of water flowed through the orchards and gardens, and the sunlight was sweet and bright. To the right, the valley stretched into yellow fields and hills beyond. To the left was a green path, its borders covered by a light fog. The sound of rushing rivers rolled in from the distance, and a group of young men made their way through the dense foliage, finally sitting down in a circle upon a grassy area.
“Listen,” their guide began. “Pay close attention and allow the Transcendor to speak.”
“But Mahn, I can hear no words,” said the youngest boy in the group after a long wait.
Mahn smiled. “You shall express the words yourself, after you understand in your heart what your ears have heard.”
“It seems as though everything wants to burst through its frame,” said the oldest boy after a period of silence. “The flowers look as though they desire to dispose of their leaves and discover the transparent secret inside of them.”
“Look at that tree, soaring in the sky. It looks as though it is pleading to the heavens.”
“All are preparing for the big change. All desire to touch the heart pulsating in all substances,” explained Mahn quietly. “We too must prepare ourselves.”
The Chambers of Wisdom buzzed with students. People of all ages joined together, desiring to learn. They all gathered together, as the enlightening Transparent Ones interpreted the content of the scrolls to them.
“Choose, believe and desire, and listen to the voice of the Transcendor that guides the way. Follow it and allow it to protect you.”
The thirsty listeners drank deeply and absorbed the wisdom into their hearts.
“Will everyone be ready when the time arrives?” asked one of the participants in a trembling voice. “Those who are far and those who are near? And those who don’t understand it all, what shall become of them?”
“Everyone knows what he must know,” his Transparent Master said reassuringly. “Everyone shall reach the intended moment properly prepared.”
* * *
“The time has come!” announced the Transcendor.
“The time has come!” repeated the Master of Transcendence in his Chamber.
The skies were tinted purple. The clouds retreated toward the horizon, creating a gate-like effect. The Light of the Transcendor was revealed, strands of it glimmering like thin thread and pure as silver, cascading down, each one searching for a single soul upon the earth. For a moment the multitudinous threads appeared as the roots of a mighty tree, soaring way beyond into the distant sky. As each thread reached its designated person, it split into tiny particles, like a pile of feathers, indicating the route of ascent.
Sage looked at his body and discovered that it had become transparent. He grasped the illuminated feathery strings and they became like his wings. He trembled.
“What are these strings?” he asked his father.
“Good intentions,” answered Ulu, as Sage began to ascend.
“Pure thoughts,” he added, and Sage ascended even higher. “Sacred words, and of course true deeds.”
“Come, Father,” Sage called out to Ulu as he soared to the heavens.
“I am coming, my son” replied Ulu, “on my own path. Everyone is ascending, each in his own light, and each with his own wings.”
The old world emptied of its inhabitants. It was time for the world to become purified.
A breeze arose from the sea. Endless vistas of water filled the horizon. The sound of the wave, like rejoicing and trusting laughter, was getting closer, not to wash away, or to destroy. The waters of the ocean gathered and soared with supreme and utter confidence. The immeasurable surge of water was bluer than blue, sometimes light, sometimes dark as a winter night. With sheer determination, and in a movement it had stored up for many days before unleashing itself, in an attempt to gather everything into its midst, to drown the world with its joy- the wave arose and soared.
In the distance, from the surface of the earth came the rushing sound of myriads of wings in flight.
The End
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With sincere gratitude to www.levhadvarim.com.
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