Rising Above the Enemy
Everything looks lost with Sihara in the clutches of Khivia; she summons all her inner strength and makes contact with The Transcendor, thus rising above the enemy…

Warriors of Transcendence, Part 61
“A day will come when all shall be flooded by water,” Sihara held onto the last memory she had of the Transparent Ones, singing.
“That day can take its time arriving”, said Khivia calmly, “No one is ready for it. The opinions of the humans are wild and shameful, and so is the faith of the believers, flickering like the flame of a tiny candle. Remember how you were overcome by the Deathliners…”
Sihara stopped crawling. She looked so helpless there on the mighty bridge, like a tiny dot between the Abyss and the distant ceiling. She lay there trapped, lost and speechless.
Remember how you were overcome by the Deathliners…
He is lying to me! Her last thought careened through her blurred mind, I was not overcome by the Deathliners; I overtook them! Tzalaii summoned the Light of the Transcendor; it permeated the mountain and consumed all evil. They were lost and we prevailed! I, too, spoke with the Transcendor, and he answered me. He helped me go on. The Transcendor-
“I am the Transcendor!” arose a whisper so furious from the belly of the mountain, almost knocking Sihara over. “Worlds were created by my whispers and worlds shall collapse into the Abyss with my whispers, like you- obstinate child!”
A sincere smile, small and impossible, appeared on Sihara’s lips, as she closed her eyes and allowed herself to block everything out. For several moments she sank into a sweet and distant sensation, taking pleasure in the clear knowledge that no one in the world had the power to take from her the strong faith she had in the existence of the Transcendor. But then the eyes of the Master of Transcendence reappeared, their gaze so serious and severe, Sihara was shaken.
Now is not the time to rest! his gaze suggested, each moment is crucial. You must continue going forward. Do not stop your journey!
She resumed crawling. Her knees and hands were scratched and bruised, the narrow tunnel of air stretched out endlessly in front of her.
Keep going! she said to herself, Keep going…Keep going- – -.
But the end remained out of sight. Hours passed, and Sihara felt herself weakening. Warm tears streamed from her eyes and her throat ached. She shut her eyes and began crying for help:
“Transcendor, I have lost my name…I have lost my life…Do you hear me?!
My eyes have become blurred, my love has melted and my life is fleeting… I remain a twitching, bloody dot, with no place in this world! Wherever you are, tall, distant and invisible, look down and see me here, in this inferno! I am so lonely and lost. The life you gave me- that you created, has it reached its end? And the Master of Transcendence, out there somewhere, in his lavish Chamber, has he, too, been consumed by the clouds? I have lost my life…I have lost my name…Transcendor, please stay with me! Protect me in these painful, lowly paths, as I fight against an evil that has no name, as it attempts to consume me. Do not leave me alone, Transcendor, stay with me, here, now!”
She could utter nothing more. The words weakened her and she was depleted by the effort she had invested while attempting to overcome the evil in her midst. She remained empty, as she waited for the end.
Out of the shadows, as if from a great distance, she suddenly heard a voice speaking to her. She opened her heart and heard the words: “Get up, and fly away. Above the cold puddles of terror! I shall create for you clouds of blue. Go on, look away from here, beyond this place, to the silent green fields, the white sand dunes and distant skies!”
She was calmed by this, and rose up on her feet. The dark mist disappeared and clean air surrounded her, protecting her every breath. She moved several steps forward, and became aware of a stone wall ahead. She had reached the end of the bridge! She stood before a towering stone wall, also covered with etched horses forming a gateway, but she did not touch it. She closed her eyes and remembered.
The rain of letters had a tune, a tune as old as time. Its sounds were similar to the tune played by the Master of Transcendence, causing the walls of the Towered City to crumble. Sihara pictured herself in the White Desert, watching the letters of light and listening to their rejuvenating whispers.
Sing, my daughter, sing, commanded the Master of Transcendence in her thoughts.
At the final gate, separating her from Khivia’s fire and whispers, she began composing songs. Her words told stories of the days of the world, from the first rain of light until the end of days.
At first the roars of the horses in the Abyss drowned out her words. The impure whispers of the ancient evil wrestled beyond the stone in her weakened voice. But Sihara’s ears were attentive to the rain of letters, and in her memory- their light kept on fighting. She knelt for hours in front of the wall, whispering, her words striking the rock and entering it. The roars gradually quieted and Khivia’s whispers withered away. A deep silence spread through the core of the mountain, as if the silence of the Tunnels of Time had reached her.
Sihara continued whispering. Her song struck the great rock, and a vision entered her mind. In her mind’s eye, she saw the terrible Towered City, its stones cracked and gone, and the wall of fog gone too, torn to shreds, blowing in the wind. Suddenly the Master of Transcendence appeared- his cape as white as snow. Sihara gazed at him, and then at herself. Her body became invisible, and her arms spread out like enormous wings. Then she beheld a tremendous wave flood the Abyss, its great waters extinguishing the fire of the horses of darkness. The wave rose and turned toward the final wall, getting closer to the stone, preparing to enter the mountain core and invade the root of fire of the City that was already covered in water. The sky was visible through the shattered rock, inviting invisible Sihara to spread her wings and fly.
…At the same time, in the lower Towered City, the market ruckus suddenly faded. Warriors of the lower City looked up at the sky, as if sensing what was to come. Their heroic spirit weakened. They became ashamed, like children who had lost their way. A secret hope touched their hearts, a hope they had never known- they were to rise up and spread their wings. They looked at each other, each one trying to ensure the other of their simultaneous transformation.
An old woman arose from a huddled position. She gazed at the sky, a wide smile spreading across her face.
“Pure silver, clear as a tear,” she whispered.
From inside the Towers reaching endless heights, this spirit spread. Obliterated Ones gazed at their capes marked in flames, and for the first time in their lives felt like strangers. As if dreaming, they hurried to the large windows to glimpse the sky. Frightened soldiers ran down the long corridors, carelessly flinging weapons as if they were worthless objects. Shame permeated the villages as well.
“Mama, why has the sky become brighter?” wondered a six -year old girl.
Her mother, gazing at the sky, dropped the tool she held in her hand and ran out to the streets. People huddled together in groups, all excitedly pointing to the sky.
“The sea, too, has changed!” exclaimed one of the children.
All looked towards the ocean and saw that it had become clearer, so clear that its depths were visible to the naked eye.
“Drink!” called out one of the fishermen who had just emerged from the waters. “The water is no longer salty; it is so rejuvenating and invigorating!”
All who drank felt like they had awakened from a nightmare. Ulu’s young students, who remained behind, gathered together with the confused villagers.
“We must all unite immediately.”
They did not know that the final battle was not yet over, but their hearts told them that the Master of Transcendence was in need of their unity.
To be continued.
Purchase Warriors of Transcendence online at a special discount for Breslev Israel readers here.
With sincere gratitude to www.levhadvarim.com.
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