A white metallic bridge stretched out into the horizon, its pillars descending into the Abyss. A thick fog, far in the distance, hid the ceiling of the cave…

Warriors of Transcendence, Part 60
After a long journey, Sihara and Tzalaii stood together before the final door. The etched horses were visible on the wall: Horses of darkness and the shadow of death, horses of dusk, and horses of fire, horses of hail, horses of steel and horses of fog, together forming a gateway.
Tzalaii retreated, “From here you must proceed alone,” he said.
Silently, she gazed at him. For a moment he looked to her like an old man, scathed by the terrors of war.
Do I, too, appear this way?She wondered. Their bodies ached and their souls were weary. They wanted to abandon their mission with all their might, to share their experiences with one another, to be silent, to weep and to wash away their sorrows and encourage one another. But the enemy armies continued to flood the earth, and the Master of Transcendence’s mission took precedence: To carry on, each with their own mission, possibly their last…
“When shall we meet again?” asked Sihara.
Tzalaii looked down and sighed, a sigh of sorrow and acceptance.
“The Light of the Transcendor shall protect you,” he replied.
Their gaze met for a long time, transferring strength, transferring blessing. And then Tzalaii turned around and disappeared into the winding Tunnels of Time. Sihara listened to his fading footsteps until there was silence.
She gathered her strength, entirely focused on her mission and moved closer to the wall. As she reached her arm out towards the etched gate, she gathered all of her strength and said: “Your threats do not frighten me, and the devastation you have brought into the world will soon cease! You create feelings of hopelessness, and I was sent to inform you that a new sun of faith shall soon rise from the darkness. All darkness shall disappear. Light shall prevail!”
The stone passage creaked and trembled; the gate spun around and opened a crack. Suddenly there was a loud clamor of roaring and howling animals, a sound so deafening! Yet Sihara opened the door with a decisive motion, and discovered a vast Abyss. A white metallic bridge stretched out into the horizon, its pillars descending into the Abyss. A thick fog, far in the distance, hid the ceiling of the cave. Beyond the heavy mist that filled the area, Sihara noticed flocks of horses in the depths of the Abyss, bursting forth, roaring, howling. Horses of dusk, horses of fire, horses of hail, horses of steel and horses of fog.
At the distant edge of the Abyss- she became aware of rushing rivers of fire, splashing sparks, from which the horses took long sips. Next to the river there were huge troughs filled with sizzling coals- the horses’ food. She intuitively felt that at the other end of the white bridge the most terrifying evil of all awaited her, feeding the fiery coals and flowing in the rivers.
I must go to the end of the bridge, I must face the terror, she knew. But how is it possible that the pure tunnels of time lead to such a dreadful place?!” she wondered, appalled.
An image appeared in her mind. It was the image of the Master of Transcendence’s eyes, in his Chamber, when she saw them for the first time. His eyes were of such beauty, that the incessant neighing of the horses in the Abyss momentarily faded away.
Time is of the essence, princess,spoke the Master of Transcendence in her mind. She placed her feet on the narrow metal plank, grasped the support rope at her side and stepped forward with quick stride, determined to succeed.
Evil has no roots, she repeated to herself. Evil is not real, and I am not afraid of it! I am fearless. The truth is in my hands, and I can overcome deception!
She reached the half point of the bridge and continued moving forward.
I must merely remind myself that the fire, the horses and the Abyss are not real. They are only imitations attempting to weaken me, but I will not be weakened! The truth is at my side, I shall be victorious – -.
A blackened burst of suffocating fog permeated the air, blinding her. Murky steam filled her lungs, and her breath became labored. Her eyes filled with tears and she began coughing violently.
She looked down and noticed that some fresh air remained on the ground directly under the bridge. She bent down and breathed deeply. For a while she waited for the fog to dissipate so that she could get back on her feet and continue her journey, but more fog rolled in from the Abyss in blackened waves, blocking her path. Sihara sensed evil eyes watching her, mockingly, from the edge of the bridge.
“Come, little Sihara, defeat me,” it seemed to say
She crouched down into the strip of fresh air. She knew that it would be pointless to wait for the fog to pass. The Abyss was full of fog, and it would continue flooding her path, attacking her. Frightened, she grasped the bridge’s railings and contemplated her steps. Behind her the bridge was clear, and the air pure. Ahead of her a heavy fog covered everything.
If I return, I shall be saved, she thought, I cannot go on. I must retreat…
But the eyes of the Master of Transcendence permeated her thoughts, gazing at her, urging, pleading.
I cannot get up, she explained to the Master of Transcendence in her imagination, The mist from the Abyss is suffocating me.
Who said you must get up? Move forward,the Master of Transcendence’s eyes seemed to say. Keep going. Do not surrender! And Sihara began to crawl.
Crouched down as low as possible, she slowly made her way forward. The tunnel of fresh air over the bridge was like a narrow strip of light amidst the gloom. The fog thickened, becoming black as tar, and hovered over her. If she would have lifted her head just slightly, she would surely have suffocated to death. Sihara lowered her head and continued crawling.
Evil is not real… her previous thought persisted. She felt ashamed, confused. The lie is false… truth is at my side and with it I shall overcome, I am not at all afraid…
Khivia’s wild laughter echoed around her, as if in response to her thoughts: “Childish, weak and confused Sihara, they sent YOU to battle the terrible mountain core? You? Innocent Sihara, unable to differentiate between reality and imagination, between the possible and the impossible, between life and death… Little Sihara…”
Sihara shrunk back. She really was confused, and did not know what was expected of her. Where was she going? How would she fight? What chance had she to win?
“The Master of Transcendence”, she reminded herself. “I was sent by the Master of Transcendence! He sees where I am and is always at my side. The Master of Transcendence is stronger than all of this”
“The Master of Transcendence is daydreaming,” whispered Khivia, as if presenting a fact that may not be challenged. “No one has heard his cries; no one has come to his aid. His strength is powerless and weak against the might of the Tower. The Emperors have many levels, thousands of soldiers and slaves throughout the land, while the Master of Transcendence wanders the forests with a small group of followers, weak and insignificant. Who even knows of the Master of Transcendence? Who has heard his cry? Who does he influence?”
“He shattered the wall!” Sihara recalled the bricks collapsing in front of her eyes and the Essences of Soul Concentration that were thereby released.
“In place of every collapsed brick, thousands of new ones were added to the basements of the Obliterated Ones. Each day hundreds of new Obliterated Ones join the Tower, thousands of women leap into the Shadowy Abyss each week! The Master of Transcendence may have exciting dreams, but they have no connection to reality…”
To be continued.
Purchase Warriors of Transcendence online at a special discount for Breslev Israel readers here.
With sincere gratitude to www.levhadvarim.com.
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