Sihara the Warrior
The Transparent Ones began whispering to each other: "The Master of Transcendence has spoken through her! Sihara is a Warrior of Transcendence, there is no question about it!”

Warriors of Transcendence, Part 37
Sihara found herself outside of the Chamber, in the blooming fields far below Fire Mountain, accompanied by her ten amiable Transparent Ones. The Master of Transcendence had explained many things to Sihara, preparing her for this crucial mission. She was happy that her companions would be with her, at least until they reached Fire Mountain. She was relieved to know that she would not be required to pass through the blaze again and that a key to the Tunnels of Time would be found nearby, facilitating her easy entry to the City. But finding Tzalaii would be more difficult. She would have to locate Mahn, a Tower dweller. He would be able to help her.
The Master of Transcendence had taught her to use Tzalaii’s Magnathought Crystal. She knew that it would play a key role in her journey. Her Memory Shield was etched onto her heart, and she recalled the great joy she felt when she had reached the fields beyond Fire Mountain: the blue trail leading to the sea, the rare moment when the final gate opened and the pure-eyed Master revealed to her in the Chamber.
She observed the Transparent Ones with great curiosity. They were light on their feet, full of grace and deep joy. Their inner flames, swaying like dancers, were enchanting in the yellow fields. The breeze ruffled their filmy clothing as the ten walked straight ahead, one behind the other, in a line. Spotting something on the ground, one stooped to retrieve a large pine cone. Placing it on his head like a crown, he assumed a regal bearing. A small twig, tossed by another, sent the ‘crown’ reeling to the ground. Then laughter abounded as the game continued with all joining in, until sunset.
In the tranquil land of the Master of Transcendence, the Transparent Ones felt no fear, even in the open areas. The dimming light cast an orange hue upon the fields. As darkness fell, their glowing sacred aura became more apparent and the ten joined hands transcending silently. From her perch on a large rock, Sihara watched their enchanting dance. They began to sing softly, but Sihara couldn’t hear the words.
Turning their faces to the dark skies, their inner flames changed from blue to red, green to turquoise. They raised their voices and Sihara was now able to decipher the words of the song, a chant repeated over and over: “You are the heart of the world.”
Images appeared in Sihara’s mind each time the chant was intoned. She saw the village of her birth and the familiar shoreline. Many scenes flashed through her imagination: Vague landscapes remembered from childhood, figures from the past, an image of Tzalaii, the Master of Transcendence and his Chamber.

Suddenly the voices intensified, conveying immense splendor. The light grew stronger, and Sihara visualized scenes never before encountered. Familiar, recognizable locations came into view: The Land of the Southern Cliffs, the Black Ocean, the white flame at the top of the Towered City, armies sweeping through, Shadows fleeing behind the trees. Finally, she saw an immense, unending wave soar above all, but the significance of this image eluded her.
Soon, all the images were clarified as the song of her companions described them with words, pleasant and soft, tough and harrowing. All meaning would be found in their repeated refrain, “You are the heart of the world.”
Sihara excitedly arose from the rock, approaching the Transparent Ones. She reached out her hands to them, in gratitude for the wondrous gift of vision they had granted her, and they welcomed her into their circle. She recalled the warm glance of her Transparent Master and their encounter at Green Isle, and she understood that ‘The heart of the world’ and the ‘Transcendor’ were one. It was to Him that the Transparent Ones transcended, and it was He who was creating worlds incessantly; Transparent Ones, Shadows, Transparent Masters and Obliterators- all were His creations. Even the ancient fire and the forces which emerged from it to become creatures of darkness, were created by Him. His infinite spirit, which roamed over great waters in ancient times, created and emanated glory and beauty beyond comparison.
And He created a soft-voiced Master of Transcendence, with eyes like an exquisite lake, adorned in a golden cloak, to reside in a high and exalted Chamber, to convey His words and carry out His commands.
Sihara’s heart filled with eternal gratitude, as she remembered her humble village childhood. And now she had been honored to transcend for the first time to the One, the heart of the world.
“Transcendor, I humbly thank you for these magical moments, for this beauty surrounding me. I thank you for the sweet Transparent Ones, for their pure goodness and joy. I thank you for the life you have given me, a life so full of grace and tenderness, visions, and splendor. I thank you for the privilege to fulfill this great mission for the Master of Transcendence. I thank you for bringing me to him, whose existence had been unknown to me. You have granted me a gift I did not request, from Your treasury of wonders. You have always been good to me, like my mother, my father and my brother, Tzalaii. You have always been at my side, although I did not know it. Please don’t leave me, Transcendor, even for a moment.”
A warm breeze caressed the fields in a dark and silent world. The Transparent Ones formed a circle of light around Sihara, and she raised her arms to the heavens. Softly they whispered: “So says the Master of Transcendence: Be attentive to every moment and time. The voice of your heart shall guide the way. Have patience and the Light of the Transcendor shall protect you”.
Fluffy purple clouds floated high above them. Thin rays of silvery light transcended and promised: In time we shall come to your aid.
Pointing to the sky, the ten indicated the Light of the Transcendor,” explaining that the “The Warriors of Transcendence use it only when necessary, as it is potentially dangerous. If the Light touches something worthy, it brings revival and renewal. Something unworthy will be destroyed. Difficult problems arise when the worthy falter even for just a single moment, usually due to excessive pride. The result can be deadly.”
Silence hovered over them. Sihara felt gentle pulls, something slightly threatening. Something seemed to be poking through the protective shield that surrounded her, but she was strengthened by her companions’ encouraging faces, which imbued in her an immovable faith.
“Do not fear,” said the tallest of the lot, “remember the purity of heart.”
They spent the night in the fields. At dawn, they continued making their way to the Tunnels of Time. Fire Mountain was now visible on the horizon, its heavy heat evident in the air.
“Here is the entrance,” they whispered to her as they approached the side of a high mountain. A stone plank, disguised as a part of the mountain, opened at their touch. They entered through it into a large stone room, as the opening in the mountain shut behind them. Descending a dimly lit staircase into the earth’s core, they inhaled the clear and pleasant air. The light-footed Transparent Ones skipped down all thirty-nine steps quickly reaching the bottom.
Sihara was enchanted by what she found. The soft light illuminated the area, and she felt carefree and happy. All was silent, except for the sound of trickling water and occasional footsteps. At times, the tunnel widened into large halls. Once in a while the main path would diverge into a side trail where the sound of soaring water could be heard. Sihara saw pools of transparent, clear, green water, and soon discovered that a single sip could quench her thirst and renew her strength, as after a long slumber. Sihara and the Transparent Ones walked for days through the Tunnels of Time, as if in a deep and multi-colored dream.
The Transparent Ones sang as they walked, filling Sihara’s heart with a great longing and yearning. Stopping to rest in the large halls, they would sit in a circle, laugh, sing, eat and tell stories. Sihara knew that the stories were meant for her and she was especially interested in hearing about the Master of Transcendence.
Born in the King’s Palace, during the reign of the Ancient Kingdom, he was remarkable from an early age. His incredible eyes were piercing and perceptive even then. Already, at the age of four, he was learned and wise. His grace and beauty attracted nobles to the castle from all over the world.
Once, in a moment of splendorous awe, the King of the Land of the North had offered the Master of Transcendence his own crown. Fearing threatening external forces, the King of the Ancient Progeny secretly removed the Master of Transcendence from the castle and ordered a Chamber to be built for him beyond Fire Mountain, in the heart of the sea, surrounded by everlasting flowers. Far away from the eyes of man, the Master of Transcendence grew and developed.
Sihara listened, in awe, yearning to learn more.
“But our knowledge is limited. On very special occasions, when the hearts of the Transparent Masters are open, they share their secrets with us.”
“But even they don’t know everything,” added another Transparent One.
The story continued: “Even before the great Kingdom was destroyed, even before the Emperor of the Green Lowlands arrived, the Master of Transcendence had summoned all the Transparent Ones and all the Transparent Masters to his Chamber.”
Oh! The songs that must have accompanied such an event! Just the thought of it made Sihara dizzy.
“As the singing intensified, the Transcendor was revealed, and his silvery threads transformed into a glowing crown upon the head of the Master of Transcendence, the Messenger of the Transcendor in the Land of the Ancient Progeny.”
The Transparent Ones fell silent and Sihara was left to wonder. One detail in the story surprised her most: The Messenger had traveled everywhere in the Land of the Ancient Progeny. He was able to come and go as he pleased, including to the Towered City!
“But the Emperors, his archenemies in the Tower, how can they allow him to enter?” she asked, as the Transparent Ones chuckled.
“He has no difficulty in entering the Tower whenever he pleases.”
But this did not answer Sihara’s questions at all and she continued to wonder how the Master of Transcendence was able to avoid Tower security. Even more perplexing was her curiosity about her present challenge; why had she been dispatched on this dangerous mission when the Master, himself, could have entered the Tower with perfect ease?
Mysteries, enigmas, and puzzlements. Every revelation about the Master of Transcendence solved one mystery and at the same time created a new, more puzzling one. Soon, the Transparent Ones revealed to her that the Master of Transcendence could even visit the Abyss of the Shadows!
The Abyss of the Shadows! Sihara was overcome with terror recalling the horrors she had witnessed in the immeasurable evil depths of the Abyss.
Who could emerge unscathed? She focused her attention on the matter, trying to understand all of this.
Good depth in exchange for evil depth, the Master of Transcendence had whispered to her in his Chamber. Sihara’s compassionate heart helped her to perceive the secret depths hidden in people. Constantly she searched for the inner foundation of reality, always open to the distant whisper of the Master of Transcendence. Deep inside her heart she heard faraway, obscure echoes… “Good depth in exchange for evil depth,” Sihara intoned the words rising from her heart.
In awesome wonder, The Transparent Ones began whispering to each other: “The Master of Transcendence has spoken through her! Sihara is a Warrior of Transcendence, there is no question about it!”
To be continued.
Purchase Warriors of Transcendence online at a special discount for Breslev Israel readers here.
(With sincere gratitude to www.levhadvarim.com)
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