The Ancient Scroll
The Emperor’s forces are terrified by the ancient scroll, whose contents give the believers power to fight their seemingly hopleless battle against the Emperor’s descendents…

Warriors of Transcendence, Part 35
The small meeting room, illuminated by torches, had only a few windows, but from them the interior of the wall was visible. The wall, lifeless and dull, rose up to the middle of the Mercury Level, also known as the Sapphire level due to its blue-green color. The City of Steel was referred to as ‘the Base Level’ and it was common knowledge that only those who resided on the Sapphire Level and above were respected. Simple warriors inhabited the Steel Level. Even the ruler of that Level, the Steel Emperor, was disparaged on the Sapphire Level in a patronizing, condescending manner.
“Drums, that’s all they know about down there,” the dwellers of the Sapphire Level would scornfully say about their neighbors on the Steel Level. They, on the other hand, never tired of listening to their own splendid violin compositions.
The three fully- armed warriors in the room were not interested in music at this time. The tallest warrior’s narrow, elongated face expressed permanent aggravation and discontent. He clasped his hands behind his back and walked in a peculiar manner.
“A message has just arrived directly from the chamber of the Mercury Emperor,” announced the tall warrior, as he presented a scroll, placing it on the rough stone table in the corner of the room.

“Do you really want to know?”
“Enough chattering, ” his comrade interrupted him, impatiently. “Let’s hear what it’s all about.”
The tall warrior sighed as he unraveled the scroll and read:
“In the name of the Sapphire Flame, to the three most excellent warriors on the Sapphire Level.”
“What an unusual presentation,” thought one of the warriors. “Such an appeasing introduction must be a preparation for a difficult and bitter continuation…”
The warrior continued: “It has become obligatory to present to you one of the Tower’s most confidential subjects: The Legend of the Wings. The two attentive warriors let out an astonished whistle. They knew very little about the Legend. All they knew was that it was a forbidden topic and that those who persisted in discussing it were silenced, sometimes in an unpleasant manner.
“Since you were involved in the matter of the stolen stone, the upper ranking officials have concluded that you must be given some information regarding the secrets of the Legend, which are linked to the stone and to its carrier. You must keep your eyes open at all times and ensure that rumors about this myth are not disseminated on the Sapphire Level.”
The warrior concluded the reading of the scroll and now pulled out a second manuscript from his cape. This was not a formal document from the Towered City, but an old, worn out parchment.
“This parchment was found on Green Isle, during one of the rare attacks carried out there in the past. It has been kept on the Solar Level, where the most skillful Inviewers have been attempting to decipher it.”
The tall warrior walked over to the table where the others were seated. As he read from the parchment, his words escaped from his mouth like frightened birds, as if they had a bitter taste:
“Nothing in the world contained white- but Him.
The fairness needed for Unification in the faraway ages.
With no sound, a fragment began to pulsate from within,
Asking for life, desiring motion
A great darkness, the darkness of the depths, was present everywhere.
Water with no name, under the burden of its weight, and the intensity of its obscurity,
It instructed that here, only here, would be the seed of light, the line of life.
Slowly, as if placed in an invisible hand
Life giving paths were formed
Chords were created to contain the water
The keys of fifty gates were molded
White absorbs all colors. It openly embraces, listens to all discoveries
The foundation of all colors
The sub-structure of hues, the wellspring of change
The point of connection above the colors
Soaring above transformation, the gate of the sky –
At a different time, above the water, a man dressed in white shall arrive,
a man of the heart, in the heart of time.”
The three warriors were quiet. Their eerie silence filled the space of the room with an obscure terror. It took a while for them to shake off the effect of the words, which pounded in their heads like hammers. Had they known, in advance, of this persistent pounding, they would have renounced the “honor” wholeheartedly.
“In the name of the holy fire!” one of the warriors finally exclaimed. “So much talk about water!”
“It truly sickens me,” uttered another, heavily. The three warriors clutched the handles of their swords.
“Do you desire to hear more?” asked the tall warrior, and the two others looked at him terror-stricken.
“In essence,” he attempted to speak in a serious tone, “do you understand the problem? Do you sense how it works inside?”
The two warriors nodded their heads, as he raised his tone of voice: “These fables give power to our adversaries! This is what they believe, this tale among many other tales, that a man dressed in white shall arrive.”
“And what is this man supposed to do?” asked one of the warriors, hesitantly.
“The Inviewers are still working on deciphering the code,” answered the tall warrior in a weary voice. “They have concluded very little so far”.
“And how does this all relate to wings?” asked the other.
“I shall sum it up for you,” answered the tall warrior. He tucked the scrolls back into his garb as the others let out a sigh of relief. “Additional writings were discovered in the scrolls but they have been censored… There is mention of a future wave of water that is to wash over the world and wipe out the planet.”
“That is nonsense!” one of the warriors blurted out, unable to contain himself. “Besides, if such a deluge should occur, everyone would perish. What could possibly be encouraging here?”
“That leads me to the most peculiar idea, probably also the most significant,” said the tall warrior quietly. “It is written that not everyone shall perish. Those that are worthy, due to their good deeds, shall grow wings, thereby gaining the ability to soar above the water and avoid the calamity.”
Now, the three warriors began to laugh. What was there to fear from such madness?
“Madness or not,” the warrior finally concluded, “these ideas provide great strength to the believers and could cause serious danger to the Descendents of the Emperors.”
To be continued.
Purchase Warriors of Transcendence online at a special discount for Breslev Israel readers here.
(With sincere gratitude to www.levhadvarim.com)
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