Hardboiled Eggs, Part 12
The mystery is finally solved. Willy Weatherbee learns a big lesson, that you have to judge everyone fairly, and he becomes best friends with Dwayne.

By Rebecca Shapiro, based on a story by Rabbi Lazer Brody
Hardboiled Eggs, Part 12
Willy Weatherbee learned his lesson from Isaac’s quiet admonition.
He felt sorry for the black snake, but even worse about false position
He felt bad about the accusations against innocent Dwayne.
And felt terrible that he was actually willing to pay money to have Hodges executed! Now that was insane!
Moral of the story is very plain to see:
The world is loaded with anger but it doesn’t have to affect you or me.
It’s important to remember that what we see is not always what we get,
And often, our conclusions are opposite from reality, I’m willing to bet!
Once people make snap judgments, they close their minds to truth.
And they begin to act in crazy ways that are definitely uncouth
Willy should have called Isaac straight from the beginning
Because a wise person knows how to judge others fairly, so there is only winning.
Once we discard our superficial and circumstantial judgments against others,
We rid ourselves of anger against our fellow sisters & brothers.
Conquering anger will bring you much closer to inner peace.
So, if we work on judging others fairly, our anger should cease.
From then on Willy took great care to be extra nice to others
And he became best friends with Dwayne, almost like brothers. J

The End.
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