Hardboiled Eggs, Part 11
Old Isaac the Tzaddik explains to Willy Weatherbee who the mysterious egg thief really is, a big hungry black snake…

By Rebecca Shapiro, based on a story by Rabbi Lazer Brody
Hardboiled Eggs, Part 11
"Willy, people around here are honest, and they certainly don’t need to steal
Folks around here know from where they will get their next meal
They all believe in a Higher power weather they call Him G-d, Hashem or “The Force”
Stealing is not even ones radar when they believe in a higher Source.
Since I knew it wasn’t a person that stole from this G-d fearing town
It must have been an animal so I narrowed it down.
An egg-loving animal, like a raccoon or a weasel, would have toppled the entire stack of eggs,
Only a big snake could’ve weaseled his way without any legs
Isaac was a lot less joyous than Willy was. "I’m sorry the snake had to die.
Black snakes are beneficial to the environment – let me tell you why.
As long as a black snake is in the vicinity of an area, poisonous snakes stay away.
And when the snakes are around no rodent will stay.

To be continued.
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