Hardboiled Eggs, Part 9
Old Isaac the Tzaddik gives Willy Weatherbee some amazing advice as to what he can do to find the mysterious egg thief…

By Rebecca Shapiro, based on a story by Rabbi Lazer Brody
Hardboiled Eggs, Part 9
“I’m sure Old Isaac will have some great advice for you," Jerry suggested with a smile.
So Willy Weatherbee phoned Isaac hoping for advice that’s worthwhile.
Isaac had a great idea, "Listen Willy – let’s try fooling the thief.
Then I guarantee you will no longer suffer grief.
When you go home tonight, boil a dozen eggs until they’re good and hard,
Be sure the shells aren’t cracked – that detail you mustn’t disregard.
Tomorrow, before you go home for lunch, place the carton hardboiled eggs on the display.
I promise you that we’ll catch the thief without delay.”
Willy was thrilled – Isaac never broke a promise to anyone before.
So he did exactly as Isaac told him to do and prepared the trap for outside his store.
The next day, Willy prepared shortly before siesta time,
and set out the trap then skipped home for lunch, anxious to find the culprit of the crime.

To be continued.
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