You’re Welcome!
You don’t need to be a rich estate-owner to merit the mitzvah of guests in your home. A warm heart, another slice of challa, and a plate of soup…

You don’t need a house that’s fancy,
To do this mitzva right.
You just need a caring heart,
And the warmth of a Shabbos night.
When you reach out to others,
And welcome them inside,
The guests will keep on coming,
‘Cause your door is opened wide.
Just think of all the people,
Who would love to be invited.
A child in your class who is very shy,
Would just be so excited!
There must be children that you know,
Who would feel really glad.
Your invitation could help them,
Forget they had been sad!
And there are old people too,
Who would love to hear your voice.
They would be so happy,
To be picked as your guest of choice!
It is not so hard to do –
You can just pick up the phone,
And with your parents’ permission,
Call someone who’s alone.
And also there are families,
Who could learn a lot from you.
Kiddush and Hamotzi,
May be things they don’t yet do!
There are lots of Jewish families,
Who never got to see,
How beautiful the Shabbos is.
You can show them – wonderfully!
And once they’ve come – invite them back.
And then soon you will see,
They will not feel like guests for long –
They’ll feel like family!
So many different people,
Would love to be your guests.
Invite them into your house and heart,
And your home will be blessed!
Bracha Goetz is the author of twelve children’s books, including Aliza in MitzvahLand, What Do You See at Home? and The Invisible Book.
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