Visit to the Ancient Mines
Mahn visits the ancient mines, which the carefully guarded secret of producing the bricks for the walls. What was the substance that made the bricks so red…

Warriors of Transcendence, Part 22
The sealed gate was actually a massive stone mound on the side of the mountain. Though it was similar in every way to the stones in its midst, Mahn had no doubt that this was the place he sought. The accompanying soldiers with sapphire flames waited silently.
He touched the stone wall searching for the protrusion of the gate. The stone moved aside without a sound and Mahn and his men entered a large illuminated hall. The walls were bright, illuminated by an inner light, skillfully designed and etched with the same flames present on the outer wall.” A bit too grandiose for a
mine…” thought Mahn. The stone door closed slowly and a warrior with a sapphire flame approached Mahn, greeting him and asking for identification.

“I am Mahn- Inviewer from the Mercury Level, messenger of the Holy Fire.”
The warrior appeared somewhat uncomfortable. He summoned his comrades from their position by the entrance and spoke with them. Mahn pretended disinterest in their conversation and waited. Although he had never before been here, he was confident that as Senior Inviewer it was his right to visit locations of his choice in the Land of White Fire. He also had the authority to initiate inspections on his own, without the approval of his superiors.
Still, the uneasiness he had been feeling over the past few months, which had intensified following the investigation of the old woman, had not faded, despite his promotion to the Mercury Level. Now he hoped that a prolonged absence from the City would be beneficial to him. So he had decided to visit the Southern Mines, which were always mentioned with great awe and respect.
The soldier turned to him and asked: “Did you receive the password?”
Now he was in a bit of trouble because his visit was unofficial. But Mahn had remarkable self- control. Without a moment’s hesitation, he said the officially accepted words customary in requesting entrance: “Melt its locks.”
The Warrior was satisfied. Mahn’s gamble had been successful.
“Well then, leave your attendants here. Do not worry; they shall be looked after properly. We have a waiting room and food aplenty. Here is your guide. He shall accompany you on your tour of inspection.”
Mahn followed his guide in the darkness, illuminated only by the light of the torches. Upon leaving the ante-room, they descended a spiral staircase leading deep into the mountain core, and Mahn’s heart filled with fear. He strengthened his grasp on the sharp sword he carried and stroked the corners of his garment.
What is so secret about these ancient mines, in the name of the holy fire? He wondered to himself.
They passed through seven stone gates as they continued on their way. The guards, their swords extended, were not typical warriors. Their faces were hidden, and the man accompanying Mahn communicated with them in the Whistle Dialect. Mahn’s curiosity was dampened as he felt a strong desire to halt his adventure. But he did not know how to do so, and remained silent. A faint light began to appear through the dark walls. Now they entered a large hall, similar to the ante-room. Dozens of unmarked caped warriors stood before a luminous stone wall. Their whistled ‘conversations’ with his guide were piercingly loud.
“I must beg your pardon,” the guide explained. “We may not enter at this time.”
They waited in a room and were offered hot food, but Mahn’s spirit was uneasy. Facing the man in the lit, spacious room, Mahn once again examined his fair face, and in an attempt to fill the irritating silence, asked: “What is your position here?”
The man appeared to be happy with the question and answered boastfully: “I am Manager of the Essence Division.”
Mahn realized that he must take precautions in formulating his questions. He had never heard of a division of this type in the mines he had visited.
The guide, eager to share his knowledge, spared Mahn the trouble of asking questions, saying, “I shall explain everything upon arrival at our destination.”
Passing through the final gate, Mahn found himself in a huge hall. Through an opening in a wall he saw large carts filled with a vaporous substance slowly seeping out. Workers unloaded the sizzling contents of the carts into a large boiler situated in the center of the room. Despite the oppressive heat, Mahn noticed that none of the workers were perspiring, nor did they appear to be tired. The workers toiled rapidly and effectively, and were light on their feet. Every so often, one of them let out a short whistle. So, the Whistle Dialect was used here, too.
“This is the first boiler,” explained Mahn’s guide.
“Here, as you can see, the red substance is brought to an exceptionally high heat, after being transported in carts from the lower mines. It is already being heated up as it is carried here.”
They continued walking together towards another part of the hall. There, the crimson metal flowed through open stone pipes into a large basin. The agile workers- Whistlers- were busy accurately measuring the yellow clusters. These clusters sizzled as they were tossed into the basin.
“Here”, the man continued excitedly, “we add a small amount of yellow glass to the crimson substance, which gives it its unique transparency. This, of course, explains the changing colors in the wall’s bricks”.
Suddenly, Mahn realized he was actually in the wall’s brick factory. A sudden exhaustion spread over his limbs and he became bewildered as he thought about the heavy secrecy surrounding this process.
What is the secret of the wall’s bricks?
“Now”, the man continued, a serious expression on his face, “we reach the most important part.”
They passed through a large stone arch into another hall. The room was freezing cold. They were alone, and all was silent. Just a slight sound resonated from time to time, like dripping water. Here, the bricks were cooling off in small stone molds.
“This is the location of the most confidential secret in the system,” intoned the man solemnly, though Mahn had begun to think this must be an exaggeration.
The cold began affecting him and he lost his patience.
“Oh, I see you are cold my friend. Take my cape.”
The Division Manager offered Mahn his outer cape.
“I am already accustomed to the cold,” he added. Mahn was grateful to receive the cape, though what he saw next terrified him so greatly that his temperature rose immediately, the blood throbbing in his veins, his hands shaking. On the corners of the Division Manager’s garment was a green flame, the flame of the Solar Level. Mahn would not have been more excited if he had seen the ancient sun itself! During his training, he had learned that the Solar Emperor resided on the fifth level, and that all of his servants bore a green flame on the corners of their garments. But to actually see one of them? He never dared to dream of it!
To be continued.
Purchase Warriors of Transcendence online at a special discount for Breslev Israel readers here.
(With sincere gratitude to www.levhadvarim.com)
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