Hardboiled Eggs, Part 6
Willy Weatherbee continues to be flabbergasted about the mystery of the eggs that keep on disappearing from day to day…

By Rebecca Shapiro, based on a story by Rabbi Lazer Brody
Hardboiled Eggs, Part 6
He decided not to start up with Hodges because he looked so looked leathery tough, and Willy was afraid of a violent reaction, so he decided not to get rough.
He thought that if a person can steal, he can commit assault and battery, too.
Hodges paid cash, and returned to the lodge. Then this encounter was through.
For the third day in a row, another dozen eggs disappeared during lunch break.
Willy was flabbergasted, and on the verge of an emotional meltdown – his health was surely at stake.
As Divine Providence would have it, Jerry Miller went to Purity Springs that same afternoon,
To purchase some hardware articles from the general store – now wasn’t that opportune.
At five after three, Jerry pulled up in front of the general store waving his hand.
To Willy who was outside his store, trying to figure out the mystery he could not understand.
Jerry smiled warmly, "Howdy Mr. Weatherbee! It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.
How are you feeling? You look like you’re going through something that’s making you feel blue"
"Don’t ask," he grunted over his shoulder. And then a thought came to his mind.
A bright look of hope lit up his eyes, his sadness left behind.

Willy Weatherbee and Jerry Miller
To be continued.
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