Activism – Yes or No?
Do we sit back and let the government do to us whatever it wants to? Do we hit the streets or lobby our leaders? Is there a better way?

Dear Rabbi Brody,
I have read the Garden of Emuna and other books that you have sent me and I understand “mentally” how I am not to be involved in “political activism” but I should be involved in personal prayer for an hour a day. I am not Jewish and therefore I have no right to make Aliya to the Land of Israel but things are turning for the worse in the United States with the political situation of our government turning into a socialist/communist form of government under the current administration. The government is abandoning the “Constitution” of the United States and they are beginning to encroach in every facet of our lives through excessive taxes, currency devaluation, propaganda, corruption, forced government health care, etc.
Am I just to sit back and let them “steal” the money that I have and give in or do I dig in my heels and say enough is enough! I know that you are against activism and political involvement in any way, but I will wait for your response. Dear Rabbi Brody, what are we Americans to do? What if the Jewish people had stood up to Hitler or Stalin before things got out of hand? Are we to just sit back and do nothing? I would love to live in Israel and I pray that every Jew returns back to the land of Israel because it is what Hashem requires of them but what are we to do as Gentiles? There are so many questions and not enough time. This has been on my heart for so long and I guess the Irish “fight” is coming out in me. Please help me understand. Thank you for your time and I will continue to support you and I pray for the Redemption of Israel and of the whole world! May Hashem continue to bless you!
Justin M.
Dear Justin,
Your question is a superb one. The answer is not a universal one, but an individual one. In general, the stronger our emuna, the less effort we have to invest in worldly efforts. In the case of a Noahide, you should surely certainly take advantage of the democratic tools that are at your disposal – the right to vote, the right to express yourself, and the right to influence others. Yet, we have to remember that everything in this world is The Almighty’s way of communicating with us. When we don’t use our personal freedoms properly, then we end up losing them. Rather than demonstrate about the economy, one would be much more prudent in asking himself, “Why is Hashem giving me economic challenges?” To paraphrase the Torah, when we do what we’re supposed to, Hashem fights our battles and we can remain silent.
As to your comment about Hitler and Stalin, one’s “might of the right arm” efforts don’t alter Divine decrees once the spiritual ax has fallen. Yet, again, prayer and teshuva can.
You’re right Justin in second-guessing that I’d tell you not to waste your time on activism and to strengthen emuna and personal prayer – he who is connected upstairs never falls downstairs. Those righteous Noahides that help us spread emuna in the world don’t have anything to worry about anyway, financially or otherwise. Hashem not only cares for all their needs, but moves mountains for them.
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