Crack in the Wall
After miraculously escaping the horsemen, Tzalaii continues his daring journey toward the invincible wall, only to discover that the wall can be breached…

Warriors of Transcendence, Part 8
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he felt safe and came to a halt. Here, the foliage was dense. Tzalaii knew that the horses would be unable to enter through the thick vegetation. He allowed himself to rest on a pile of damp leaves, stroking the crystal that he still grasped tightly, and breathing more easily.
“Indeed,” he thought, “facing the enemy was not so difficult.”
He straightened out his blue cape, overcame his remaining fear and turned back towards the valley. Now he chose a different path, further east. From here he
would make his way through the trees on unmarked trails. Hidden by the bleak woods, he descended the final slopes. All was still, and the silence calmed his spirit. He must continue to prove his strength in order to impress his admirers.

He spent the day sleeping in a field of tall cane plant. He awoke towards evening, devoured the little food he possessed, and packed his bag with red fruit from the field. The taste was bitter, but he felt astonishingly invigorated and refreshed. After eating, Tzalaii resumed his journey.
On the fourth night, he sighted a massive wall softly illuminated by the moon. The closer he got, the more astounded he became by its size. The wall seemed to have no end. He was becoming consumed by exhaustion, and sadness began to enter his heart in the face of the looming force.
If this is only the protective wall of the Towered City, he pondered, how much stronger are its inhabitants!
But he continued to make his way towards his destination, as if an ancient command directed him and kept him on his course. No mindless nor childish thought would deter him from his mission now. These were the buds of royalty. Slumbering, ancient threads of a calling.
As Tzalaii approached the wall, a strange feeling permeated his existence. He had the odd impression that the wall was observing him, or maybe he was being observed through the wall? A dim, weak light momentarily flashed through the massive stones, crimson-yellow. As if bewitched, Tzalaii reached out his hand to touch the wall. It was cold and damp. Overwhelmed by curiosity, he stroked the wall as if he were taming a wild animal. Was it just his imagination fooling him, or could he really sense heat emanating from the wall into his hand? Once again he removed the blue Crystal from his satchel. The golden ornamental strip was hot, as if used only a moment ago, and Tzalaii wondered about this. He gazed at the shiny blue object in his hand, and noticed for the first time since it had fallen at his side, that the carved wooden etchings were fully illuminated. To his surprise, he found no difficulty in focusing his thoughts, almost as if someone else had focused them for him. He aimed the Crystal towards the smooth wall and heat was transferred into his hand and throughout his body. The broad wall, protecting the unconquerable Towered City, had cracked! A small crack, but nevertheless one which enabled Tzalaii to break off a shard of crimson-yellow stone, and conceal it in his satchel.
The night grew dark, and Tzalaii felt a heaviness overtake him, and he once again became fearful. He still felt as though someone from beyond the Tower was observing him mockingly; as if he were a tiny mosquito challenging a mighty lion. He imagined the lion stomping on him effortlessly. Tzalaii grasped his satchel tightly and began his escape. From what, he did not know. Hours later, upon arriving at a large overgrown field, he finally fell to the floor, weeping. The magic had faded. He remained a lonely, frightened boy, deep in the heart of a foreign, hostile land.
Once again, he traveled at night. During the day he slept in overgrown fields, fed on vegetation and drank from exposed pools of water. Once, while looking through his satchel, he came upon a small loaf, baked by his sister, Sihara. He was overcome by yearning for home. He would not be able to share this adventure with her, she would certainly not relate to it as an act of courage.
Finally, after a ten day trek, he found himself in the familiar, protective, forested slopes, and for the first time he dared to look back. Silence permeated the valley. The morning fog ascended from the fields and a cool breeze accompanied the waves of the green sea. The wall was out of the range of his vision. Had his experiences been just a figment of his imagination? For a moment he felt ashamed of his childish escape and strange reactions. He opened his satchel and peered inside. A crimson-yellow shard lay there, perched next to the blue Magnathought Crystal.
To be continued.
Purchase Warriors of Transcendence online at a special discount for Breslev Israel readers here.
(With sincere gratitude to www.levhadvarim.com)
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