Family Purity for Successful Children
Everyone wants good, happy, successful, and well-adjusted children. In this generation, unfortunately, children are frequently neither relaxed nor happy…

Family Purity, Part 3
Possibly the best blessing on this earth – is to merit good, successful children.
To have children, a woman must be blessed with fertility. Then, she must have a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery. After that, she needs a blessing for children that will give her gratification: children that are sound in body and spirit, and are upright.
Our Sages tell us: “More difficult is a negative atmosphere in one’s home than the war of Gog and Magog!” There are people who have merited children, but they turn out to be inexplicably unruly and unmanageable, turning the home into a nightmare, G-d forbid!

Remembering the Barren
There have been many instances where couples came to me after years of no success in having children. I told them that if the woman commits to immersing in a mikva, and to saying one small prayer, then Hashem will help! Thank G-d, on the same night that the woman went to mikva, she conceived. These are not just stories. These are facts that I witnessed firsthand. Simply stated, Hashem waits, because He wants the couple to bring pure children into the world.
According to nature, physical relations between men and women are enough to form a child. But there is a great difference between a body created from a woman who is tehorah, to a body created when the woman is not tehorah – an enormous difference! If the couple wants to enjoy their children and see nachat from them, then they should conceive them in purity!
A calm spirit
Every woman wants her children to be good, relaxed, happy, intelligent, successful, and well-adjusted. In this generation, unfortunately, children are frequently not relaxed, not happy, disorganized, impudent, damaging, and hyper-active. There are children who are at risk at such a young age, Heaven forbid! What happened? A lack of Family Purity!
Relations in purity are necessary for the creation of a child that will have good, calm character traits. Such a child will have an easier life. Since he’s created with a body that won’t distract him, it won’t push him to satisfy his lusts and self-destruct. But, when relations are not done with the preparation of purity, then the body of the child is drawn from an impure source, and then the child born from such a union will gravitate towards the impure.
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov says that for the enjoyment of fifteen minutes, when people seek only to satisfy their lusts, the child formed from that union will suffer immeasurably. Later, the child will have to toil greatly to purify himself from the impurity he was born into because of the circumstances at the time of conception. Such a person’s physical body will cause him grief. The body is the garment for the soul, and when the body is formed not in purity, then the Zohar calls it “a soiled garment”. Therefore, anyone who wants good children must keep Family Purity!
The Upper Pipes
The mikva in which a woman immerses is one of the greatest spiritual gifts of all that the Creator has given us in this world. Mikva connects to the upper worlds of purity. In Kabbalistic thought, the mikva is like the umbilical chord, through which comes all the spiritual nutrition for the entire world! When Hashem connects the souls of a man and woman to each other, and brings through them new souls into the world, the mikva is the pure vessel – from a spiritual perspective – for receiving the pure, strong soul from Above.
How do women merit bringing unique children into the world, who later grow up to become spiritual leaders; brilliant scholars, and awesome righteous people? Through their devout preparation and their holiness during relations, a couple merits phenomenal children, for their actions literally bring down great and holy souls into the world.
There is no way to measure the pleasure, satisfaction, and eternal reward of bringing lofty and pure souls into the world. This cannot occur without preparation of purity, for Hashem is the One who implants that soul in this world. How can He plant it into a place where there is impurity? Through purity, a couple is a worthy receptacle for receiving a holy soul.
Through the purity of the mikva, both men and women receive great spiritual powers, which certainly influence the entire world. Therefore, the Geula, the Ultimate Redemption, depends greatly on Family Purity! The more couples that keep Family Purity, the more purity will flow into the world, profoundly affecting the entire world!
To be continued.
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