Purity and Blessing
Without a blessing on one’s money, it could be wasted on doctors, law suits, and breakdowns, Heaven forbid. Many people earn fabulous sums of money, but...

Family Purity, Part 2
Family Purity necessitates faithfulness between a couple, for keeping Family Purity proves that a man lives with his wife not just because of lust, but because he cherishes her in every way.
I am constantly shocked from stories of husbands who leave their wives! If they had kept Family Purity, in most cases, they would not have left. With true love, even during the days of no touching, their spiritual bond holds fast. This is a real connection.
The keeping of harchaka (the physical distancing actions during the time a woman is niddah) while a woman menstruates is an important way that a husband honors his wife. At this time, a woman’s body is busy with the natural ritual of cleansing itself of impurities. The body has several types of discharges occurring during this part of the cycle, which make it less appropriate for physical intimacy. By keeping the laws of harchaka, the husband shows sensitivity of her needs. He realizes that a woman is not an object to toy with whenever he pleases, for he has a true connection with her, and an honest understanding of her feelings.
Family Purity creates a strengthening of the marital bond. There are thousands of divorces that occur yearly, occurring often because of a lack of love, or from a life of boredom without purity and renewal. They use one another to fulfill their desires, and leave once they have new, different desires. It’s also statistically proven that the occurrence of divorce between couples who do not keep the laws of Family Purity is much more prevalent than with those who do keep these important laws.
With family purity, newness and constant freshness abounds. “The wedding night” is not just a once in a lifetime occurrence. A couple renews their bond every time Immersion Night comes around; meanwhile, they long for each other. Just like in the beginning of their relationship when the chatan (groom) pined for his kallah (bride), and the kallah awaited her chatan longingly. This situation repeats itself with constant renewal and excitement every time a woman immerses in the mikva.
Through the temporary separation during the woman’s cycle, the marital relationship refreshes and renews itself. The essence of the marital connection is that it should be honest and true between a man and a woman, not one of lust and desire alone. The bond should be one based on true and complete love, where the husband loves his wife because of who she is, not because of her body. Certainly, a man who loves his wife like this will not look for someone else – ever – because he won’t find anyone else in the world to substitute her!
Purity and Blessing

Two aspects describe financial success: First, earning enough to satisfy one’s needs without too much toil, in other words, receiving one’s income without grief; and second, that one’s earnings should be blessed. Without this blessing, one’s money could be wasted on doctors, law suits, and broken appliances, Heaven forbid. Many people earn fabulous sums of money, but are still debtors. Why? Financial problems result from a woman’s failure to use the mikva! Either they will have problems making ends meet, or not see satisfaction from the fruits of their labor.
The Kabbalah states that all income for the family comes from the woman. Many sayings of our Sages are based on this concept. For example, “Honor your wives in order to become wealthy;” “Blessing rests on a household because of the woman,” among many others. Since financial success comes because of the merit of the woman, she must keep Family Purity to invoke a blessing on her husband’s earnings.
No debt
Many people suffer from financial difficulties. The first thing I tell those who seek my advice is to begin observing family purity and to send their wives to the mikva! I promise them that they will see salvation quickly in the area of finances, if they listen. Simply speaking, without beginning with mikva, any other advice is a waste of time. As long as a woman is not going to mikva, nothing will help. Even if they’d win a million dollars in the lottery, weekly, they would always be in debt.
People mistakenly believe that if they are in debt, it’s because of some natural cause, or because they have no luck, or because they are not successful, and so forth. Anyone who delves a bit deeper will see clearly that there are no rules when it comes to financial success. The fact is that there are people who earn a nice salary, and even with the nice salary, they are still in debt. On the other hand, there are people who have very little income, but have no debts. Since being in debt is bitter, and since our Sages teach, “There are no tribulations without prior transgression,” it must be concluded that debts are simply a consequence of a particular sin.
Rebbe Nachman writes (Sichot HaRan), that sin leads to debt. To erase the debt, one must repent for the sin that caused him the debt.
To be continued.
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