Thought Control
Many tried to subjugate our bodies but they never had control over our minds. Every Jew, from time immemorial, has had the freedom to think whatever he wants…
The World of Fantasy, Part 2
Nobody knows what’s in your mind. You can commit the sin of harboring lewd thoughts without ever getting caught. The hardest part of our existence to re-
channel to the side of Kedushah is the mind. My Rabbi remarked that one of the main tasks in learning Gemara is to devoting your intellect to Hashem.
You disarm the evil inclination by confessing to Hashem – ask Him for forgiveness. You can do this through extra kavanah during Tachanun, reciting Tehillim, or in crying out to Hashem and begging for His Mercy during hitbodedut. Hashem will listen to your cries with compassion and mercy, even if one part of your mind is screaming, “HASHEM! I AM SO SORRY FOR THINKING THESE THOUGHTS! I KNOW YOU DIDN’T BLESS ME WITH 10 TRILLION ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS IN MY BRAIN TO DREAM ABOUT THIS. PLEASE FORGIVE ME,” while the other part of your mind is still playing out the fantasy. While you are talking to Hashem in hitbodedut, ask Him for the ability to understand why you are having these fantasies and how you can resolve the underlying issue. If you are sincere about stopping, trust that Hashem has put you in this situation so you can correct a previous wrong, improve on one of your middot, or so you can develop the ability to control, and re-channel your passions productively into your Torah learning, praying, and mitzvah performance.
Having runaway urges is nothing to be embarrassed about. If you have fallen to the depths in this matter – rejoice! When you eventually master your mind, all of this pent up energy will be re-channeled for you to do good in this world. Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein of Torahanytime.com remarked that there is a specific reason why Esau’s head is buried in Maarat Machpelah with Yaakov. Esau was the wilder of the two – he had greater urges. Had Esau done teshuva and utilized his animal passions towards the service of Hashem, he would have been even greater that Ya’akov. In honor of Esau’s potential, he gets buried with our Forefathers. Just think how fortunate we are, children of a generation whose passions are ignited by the forces of Edom, to be in a position to transform those passions into Divine Service. The darker the hole – the greater the light!
Overcoming lewd thoughts is one of the greatest achievements a man can accomplish in his lifetime. When we are feeling “heated,” the yetzer hara bombards our conscious with a sexual fantasy every second. The only way to win is to redirect the fire to Torah, mitzvot, and the love of Hashem.
Do whatever you can to resist this urge. Get up from wherever you are and take a walk. Start speaking to Hashem in your mind at that moment. Think of the four letters of Hashem’s Holy Name. Recite the first line of the Shema “Ve’ahavta et Hashem Elokecha, BKol Levevcha, oveKol nafshacha, ovekol meodecha.” This line is all about resisting your darker impulses in the service of Hashem. Remember, in fighting this battle, you are surrendering your will to Hashem’s will. You are nullifying yourself before Hashem. You are serving Hashem with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your strength.
As many governments, religions, and dictators tried to torture us, starve us, even kill us – they never had control over our minds. Every Jew, from time immemorial, has had the freedom to think whatever he wants. Your thoughts are the purest form of absolute freedom there is in this existence. What an amazing Ahavat Hashem it would be if we voluntarily ceded to Hashem the greatest freedom that no man could ever take.
Fighting lewd fantasies develops the mind. It strengthens your willpower. It brings you much closer to Hashem without even being aware of it. The mental power of someone who is Shomer HaMachshava – a guardian of thoughts – is great. The spiritual ability of one who consistently resists this urge is off the charts. This why the Talmud tells us, where the penitent stand, not even the wholly righteous can stand. (Brachot 34a)
In less than an hour, you can perform hundreds, even thousands of mitzvot for yourself and for Klal Yisrael. You don’t even have to win this war tomorrow. Just fight this battle with all your heart, all you soul, and all your strength, and your reality will quickly feel better than the dream.
To be continued
Dovber Halevi is the author of the financial book, How to Survive the Coming Decade of Anxiety. He writes for Breslev Israel and The Middle East Magazine. He lives with his wife and two children in Eretz Yisrael.
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