Perek Shira – Conclusion
Rabbi Yeshaya fasted for eighty five days so that an angel would come to him from Heaven and explain to him why dogs have the privilege of singing to Hashem…

Translation by Rabbi Lazer Brody with illustrations by Rebecca Shapiro
Perek Shira for children, Part 20
Rabbi Yeshaya, the student of Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa, fasted eighty-five fasts; he said, Dogs, about which is written, "And the dogs are brazen of spirit that do not know satiation" (Isaiah 56:11) – shall they merit to recite song? An angel responded from Heaven and said to him, "Yeshaya, until when will you fast on this matter? It is an oath from The Holy One, blessed be He: From the day He revealed His secret to the prophet Habbakuk, He has not revealed this matter to anyone in the world. But, since you are the pupil of a great man, I have been sent from Heaven to assist you, to tell you that the dogs have merited to recite song by virtue of that what is written about them, "But against the Children of Israel, no dog shall whet its tongue" (Exodus 11:7). Furthermore, they merited that hides tanned with their excrement are made into parchment upon which Torahs, tefillin, and mezuzas are written. Therefore, they merited to recite song. And regarding your question that you asked, go back on your way and don’t continue in this matter, for it is written, "He who guards his mouth and tongue, guards from afflictions of his soul" (Proverbs 21:23) [Yalkut Shimoni, Bo, 187].

Blessed be Hashem forever, amen and amen. Blessed be Hashem from Zion, Dweller of Jerusalem, halleluyah! Blessed is Hashem The God, God of Israel, worker of wonders Him alone. And blessed is the Name of His glory, and His glory shall fill the entire land, amen and amen.
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