Honey-scented Nectar

If a Torah education is like freshwater, then a Torah education combined with raising children in the Land of Israel is like a honey-scented nectar to the soul…

3 min

Rabbi Lazer Brody

Posted on 26.10.23

Pictured on the left are the southern tip of the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) with the Golan Heights in the background, and on the right half of the picture is the northern portion of the Jordan Valley; the mountains in the background on the right are what’s known as Bashan in the Bible, and today are part of the Kingdom of Jordan.

The Ben-ami family (pseudonym, to preserve their privacy) lived for ten years in one of the Jordan Valley kibbutzim. Disillusioned with spiritual emptiness of their environment, Rafi and Rina Ben-ami embarked a spiritual journey that led them to traditional Judaism. Gradually, they began to observe Kashrut and the Sabbath. Despite the secular atmosphere of the kibbutz, they weren’t yet prepared to leave.
Their son Erez was now 7, and in the 2nd grade of the kibbutz elementary school. One day, Rafi and Rina were summoned for an urgent meeting with the school psychologist, the principal, and Erez’s teacher. The triumvirate gravely informed the Ben-ami family that Erez will never learn to read, and that he suffers from a severe learning disability. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back; the Ben-ami family decided to leave the kibbutz, let their Judaism flourish, and find a proper school for Erez.
Rafi, an expert mechanic, had no problem getting a job in the city. They moved to a religious neighborhood in Tiberias, and enrolled Erez in the local school for religious boys. To make a long story short, Erez – in love with Torah – not only learned to read within 3 weeks, but he learned Rashi script within two months.
Erez never did have a learning disability; his neshoma (soul) simply refused to learn the garbage that the kibbutz school was teaching him. Once he began to learn Torah, he blossomed.
A Torah education is like freshwater to the soul. A lack of Torah is like saltwater to the soul. If a child drinks saltwater, he or she will definitely wither, G-d forbid. To grow and develop properly, one needs freshwater – a Torah education – that quenches the thirst of a soul.
If a Torah education is like freshwater to the soul, then a Torah education combined with raising children in the Land of Israel is like a honey-scented nectar to the soul.
Hashem has been systematically bringing the American economy to its knees. The current administration has printed a trillion dollars, although the USA hasn’t been blessed with any new natural resources. Nobody has discovered new oil reserves in Texas or diamond mines in Tennessee. No new industries are opening in Detroit or Pittsburg; on the contrary, additional companies are declaring bankruptcy every single week. Few people enjoy job security, but many many others are unemployed. This components form a bleak future of what’s in store for America’s economy.
Religious families in America and Canada tell me how they’re buckling under the strain of tuition for Torah schools. A high-level Beis Yaacov can cost as much as $3,000/month per girl! Most parents pay between $1,000-1,200 per child. So, a family with four children is spending a mind-boggling $50,000 per year tuition for Torah schools.
Parents are crying, “Gevalt!! What do we do?!” A day doesn’t go by without my receiving two or three emails from families grimacing under the strain of trying to make ends meet.
The answer is simple – come to Israel, where Torah education is free! For $50,000 per year, that same family can live like royalty in the Land of Milk and Honey.
I asked my beloved rabbi and spiritual guide, Rabbi Shalom Arush, may Hashem bless him always, why Hashem is crumbling the American economy. Rabbi Shalom answered, “The only reason for a Jew to remain outside of Israel today is if he’s making a good living and therefore able to do important mitzvoth with his money. But, to suffer financial trouble and to suffer exile as well is a double punishment. At least, come home to Israel! Since the time for redemption is drawing near, Hashem wants his Jewish children in Israel. He’s therefore taking away the reason for them to remain in America!”
Rabbi Shalom then told me that we shouldn’t focus on leaving America because of negative reasons, but to emphasize coming to Israel because of positive reasons.
Don’t take my word for it. Make a pilot trip to Israel and visit Efrat, Neve Daniel, Yad Binyamin or any other place where you hear more and more English being spoken. Ask the families how it feels to see their children flowering like young almond trees. Imagine what it’s like to see your third-grader talking to Hashem for a half hour a day rather than watching Donald Duck and Fantasy Land.
There’s nothing in the world like a Torah education in the Land of Emuna. Don’t wait any longer. Give Rabbi Yehoshua Fass from Nefesh B’Nefesh a call. It will be the best move you ever made. We’re waiting for you…

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