The Song of the Sea Creatures
Creation never stops singing to Hashem; even deep under the water, the sea creatures sing all day long with their praise of Hashem...

Translation by Rabbi Lazer Brody with illustrations by Rebecca Shapiro
Perek Shira for children, Part 13
The Giant Sea Creatures say: "Praise Hashem from the earth, the giant sea creatures and the depths." (Psalms 148:7)
The Whale says: "Give thanks to Hashem for He is good, His kindness endures forever." (Psalms 136:1)
The Fish say: "The voice of Hashem is upon the waters, The God of glory thunders; Hashem is upon a multitude of waters." (Psalms 29:3)
The Frog says: "Blessed is the Name of His glorious Kingdom forever and ever!" (Talmud, tractate Pesachim 56a)

To be continued.
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