The Song of the Insects
Creation never stops singing to Hashem; the sounds of the crickets in the woods or in your back yard at night are none other than their praise of Hashem...

Translation by Rabbi Lazer Brody with illustrations by Rebecca Shapiro
Perek Shira for children, Part 12
The Grasshopper says: "I lift my eyes to the mountains, from where shall my help come?" (Psalms 121:1)
The Locust says: "Hashem, You are my God; I will exalt You and give thanks to Your Name for You have done wonders; Your counsel from afar is faithfulness and trust." (Isaiah 25:1)
The Spider says: "Praise Him with sounding cymbals! Praise Him with clashing cymbals!" (Psalms 150:5)
The Fly says, when Israel is not engrossed in Torah: "The voice said, ‘Call out’. And he said, ‘What shall I call out? All flesh is grass and its kindness is like the blossom of the field.’ The grass withers and the blossom fades, but the word of God shall endure forever" (Isaiah 40:6,8). "I create the expression of the lips: Peace, peace for the far and for the near says Hashem, and I will heal him." (Isaiah 57:19)

To be continued.
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