The Song of the Rooster
Creation never stops singing to Hashem, all day long and all night long, as we see this week with the songs of Rooster, who is a very spiritual bird...

Translation by Rabbi Lazer Brody with illustrations by Rebecca Shapiro
Perek Shira for children, Part 9
The Rooster says: "When the Holy One, blessed be He, comes to the righteous in the Garden of Eden, all the trees of the Garden of Eden exude their fragrance, and they rejoice and praise, and then He arouses and praises." (Zohar, Vayakhel, 195)
In its first call it says: "Raise up your heads, O gates! Be uplifted, eternal portals, so that the King of Glory may enter! Who is He, the King of Glory? Hashem, the mighty and strong, Hashem, the mighty in battle!" (Psalms 24:7-8)
In its second call it says: "Raise up your heads, O gates, and raise up, eternal portals, so that the King of Glory may enter. Who is He, the King of Glory? Hashem, Master of Legions, He is the King of Glory, Selah!" (Psalms 24:9-10)
In its third call it says: "Stand, O righteous ones, and engross yourselves in Torah so that your reward will be double in the World-to-Come."
In its fourth call it says: "I have hoped for Your salvation, Hashem." (Genesis 49:18)
In its fifth call it says: "How long will you recline, O lazy one? When will you rise from your sleep?" (Proverbs 6:9)
In its sixth call it says: "Do not love sleep, lest you become poor; open your eyes and you shall be satiated with bread." (Proverbs 20:13)
In its seventh call it says: "It’s time to act for Hashem, for they have violated Your Torah." (Psalms 119:126)
The Hen says: "He gives bread to all flesh, for His lovingkindness endures forever." (Psalms 136:25)

To be continued.
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