Do you struggle with your “inner critic” the moment you decide to take on some mitzvah? Hitbodedut is a common battle ground. Read some tried-and-proven strategies to beat that critic!

I often find myself answering questions that people ask about building emuna through life’s challenges. Sometimes, I notice that there are questions that share a common theme. For example, it is very common for people to share with me that their “inner critic” prevents them from even beginning a new habit or discipline, such as hitbodedut or The Law of Gratitude. Callers will talk about experiencing paralyzing or overwhelming fear of failure, even to the point of having panic attacks. Does this sound familiar to you? What is the antidote to this fear? Simplicity! Make your next move as simple as possible… and celebrate that.
To give you an example, here is an excerpt from an email I received from Jeffrey in Florida:
The reason why I am writing is that I have started reading the booklet you sent, Hashem Loves Me. I am enjoying the booklet, and as with all the Rabbi Arush booklets I have, I will not take it out of my house for fear of losing it. I have just read the section on page 28 in which the Rabbi discusses that what holds people back from hitbodedut is that they believe that Hashem doesn’t love the person – With me though that is not the case – My road block is that I don’t know how to start, and I do not have the self-discipline to sit for an hour every day. I know that for me, just like in the booklet, the Rabbi took David to the Forest, I need someone to take me by the hand to the Forest. How can I overcome this?
My answer:
As far as hitbodedut is concerned, I have a few thoughts on what you wrote. First, and most importantly, I see you have enough “daat” or awareness to know what your roadblock is and what it isn’t. That by itself is enough to dance and sing for joy with gratitude to Hashem! Do you realize how many people don’t even have the awareness to know what is stopping them from moving forward? Too many people… Secondly, you know that Hashem loves you. There you have another reason to say “thank you” and dance for joy! Do you realize how many people struggle with knowing that Hashem loves them just as they are? Far too many (myself, included!).
You are off to a great beginning!
Now, not knowing where to start is actually a very common phenomenon. Feeling undisciplined about doing hitbodedut plays a part in that, as well, of course. We don’t all have HaRav with us, in person, to “take us by the hand,” so to speak, and this is exactly why he wrote all the books and booklets. So that we can take him with us everywhere we go… keep him “in our pocket,” figuratively speaking. There exists an idea that every time we learn a sefer (book) written by a rav or a tzaddik, that act connects us to him! So, in essence you have Rav Arush with you every time you read his book. Remember that you do not need to go into the forest (though it may be ideal). You can begin small by taking some time in a room, by yourself. Also, it does not need to be a full hour at first (though an hour would also be ideal).
You can isolate yourself in a room for even just a minute of hitbodedut and this is most precious to Hashem. He is constantly telling us, “Show me your will to come closer to Me,” and when the smallest amount of time is all we can manage to do, that small act is enormous and so beloved by Him. So, for now, don’t concern yourself so much with the self-discipline. Send Hashem an “I love You” by simply showing Him your will to connect. I always recommend to people that they set a small time adjacent to something they already do, habitually. It could be breakfast, brushing teeth, taking the dog out for a walk, checking email… There must be something that you do every day, without fail. We all have habits that are already in place. Take one or two minutes to talk to Hashem just before or after this daily event.
Try my suggestion and let me know how it goes!
Don’t let “perfect” become the enemy of “good.” Put the inner critic aside for a moment and take the ever-so-smallest step in the right direction. To Hashem, this is your greatness.
Would you like some advice on how to use emuna for facing life’s toughest challenges? Would you like to receive a book recommendation for a specific situation that you are trying to work through? Contact me at donations@breslev.co.il or send me a message over WhatsApp at +972523868452. I would love to hear from you!
Hi, Erica!
I would love to talk to you more about what you are experiencing. Feel free to reach out to me, any time.
I ask that someone can help me understand a mistake, that I make in judging a friend, failing to speak, not even saying good morning! worse than me, I already ask for forgiveness, but I keep thinking about the pain I caused her and I keep becoming. it’s been many years