Hashem’s Man in Singapore
Noahides in Texas, Holland, and Singapore… Francis writes, “When Russia, North Korea and China once were staunch atheists, did you notice the...

Last week in the Noahide corner here at Breslev Israel, Bnei Noach from around the world offered their perspectives on combating the loneliness with which so many Bnei Noach are confronted. After talking and corresponding with these fascinating people I was reminded of the fact that I have the best job on the planet earth. And there was so much wisdom in what these folks shared with me, the sharing must continue.
Dear Alice,
You are right that most Noahides are combating loneliness. I can read that in the Dutch Noahide group on MSN. Especially those who came out of Christianity and were active participants in the churches they used to belong to. Becoming a Noahide meant that I have no friends left. That’s what happened to me and I am sure that happened to most Noahides who came out of another religion.
Marcus from the Netherlands
Dear Marcus,
“No friends left.” That’s pretty hard to get out of my head. Here’s what it made me think of. The Shiites don’t want the Sunnis over for dinner. The Methodists don’t want the Catholics over for dinner. The Lutherans don’t want the Jews over for dinner. The Satmars don’t want the Lubavitch over for dinner. The Orthodox don’t want the Reform over for dinner. The FFBs (frum from birth) don’t want the converts over for dinner. The Jonssons will have them all over for dinner. I have a feeling you would too. And now that I think about it, so would many- in fact most- of the people I am actually friends with. The Yetzer Hora is the biggest liar on earth. He wants us to be overwhelmed by our differences. So here’s to not listening to him anymore! And here’s to focusing on what unites us all. Thank you for making me think and dinner is at 6:00 anytime you can come. Peace!
Dear Alice,
There was possibly no one who “yelled” louder at Hashem for the feelings of being all alone. Thankfully, I began to realize that there was a lot of ugliness in a lot of my self-perception that needed to be rooted out, and perhaps never would have been, had I remained in the comfort of “group support”. Losing community truly does take away all the “props”, and while that is the most horrible feeling in the world, it does leave you aware that you are totally exposed to the Almighty. No more walls, no more games, no room for self-deception.
A kind friend, a rabbi in Israel, reminded me of just how long Noah had labored on the ark, with no one who understood. I would like to assume that his wife did, but whether or not this is true, just think of how dedicated he was in such a long, lonely task. The results, as a definite positive, both for Noah and the whole world, remains the supreme example of the love and mercy of Hashem. Also, when referring to Noah laboring alone without being understood it was 120 YEARS of faithfully carrying out his task without being understood, even being ridiculed.
And, when I will turn my thinking to this, during times I am tempted to feel sad or sorry for myself in this “isolated” walk, it is impossible not to praise Hashem for knowing what He is doing, and be flooded with gratitude that He has allowed me to live at such a time as this, and be a “pioneer” in this time of His restoration of the truth for all mankind, and know for a certainty that I can trust Him to help me find the way to fulfill my purpose. After all, it is about pleasing Him, not myself.
Ultimately we will all stand alone before our Creator, for a final accounting. It is actually a positive thing that we cultivate our relationship with this perspective rather than depend upon the support and encouragement of community for an assessment of how we are doing.
Andrea from Texas
Dear Andrea,
When the distractions are taken- or discarded- and it’s just you and Hashem, to me that’s truth. Like you said, “No props.” Being human, the truths we must face are sometimes bitter. For you it was realizing that you had been gleefully barking up the wrong tree for a few decades! For me it was realizing that Bloomingdales wasn’t actually going to be enough. Nor remaining a DINK. (Dual income, no kids). And I was an angry DINK at that. But there is nothing like standing in the middle of that empty field and looking up at Hashem and telling Him the truth that He already knew. And He gave me something Bloomingdales doesn’t carry: a little blonde baby boy, and no more anger! And way less money for Bloomingdales. Your letter was so deep and beautiful I can’t stop thinking about it. Amen to it all and thank you. ~ Alice
Dear Alice,
I remembered one cynical adult asked me, “It sounds like your God is rather egotistical, isn’t He? Why else does He command that He should be worshiped?” So I grinned and said, with the insight from Hashem,
“You are married, aren’t you?”“Yea”
“How old?”“Eldest is 14 and the youngest 12”“All right,” I said, “What if they didn’t call you ‘Daddy’, how would you feel? How would you feel if they took you for granted, nothing more?”He thought for a moment, the smirk wiped off from his face and answered,“I get your point.”
We are children of Hashem. It is our filial privilege and duty to acknowledge Him, not because He’s egotistical. Every parent is waiting to hear their infants call them. Why? Think about it! I tell you, in this part of the word, even pagans know how to be humble enough to make offerings to the spiritual governing bodies to ask for favors or for success. What makes us [Torah believers] so superior to them if we don’t have a connection to Hashem through prayer? When Russia, North Korea and China once were staunch atheists, did you notice the land suffered famine? They had food shortages…
Atheists deny completely the Source that sustains all. At least ‘pagans’ who ask have an inkling that the spiritual governing bodies will in turn bring up their petition to the Source for approval. (At least that’s how Taoism works.) That’s why, a country or a people that is still involved in false worship service still experience some benefits compared to none at all.
It is this…spiritual activity that sustained me all these years despite being the only one in this country to recognize the Oneness of the God of Israel and my sense of duty here in capacity as a Noahide.
Francis from Singapore
Dear Francis,
“The only one in this country…” Francis, I am officially your biggest fan. I am so inspired by your humor and strength. Despite the fact that you and I communicated only through the written word, I can tell that you walk around smiling all the time. I’m right, aren’t I? And I am smiling my head off about the fact that you are representing so thoroughly for Hashem in Singapore. What can I say? I’m in awe. I think the next Noahide conference needs to be in Singapore at Francis’ place. Thank you for doing what you do and for sharing so generously.
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