Emuna Without Doubts
Lack of firm conviction is a deficiency of emuna. If one's emuna is complete, knowing that Hashem wants him to do a certain thing...

The slightest doubt in what we should be doing is a deficiency of emuna. As here in the tale, if the viceroy would have known without a doubt that Hashem wanted him to rescue the princess immediately, he would have ignored any obstacle and overcome any trepidation to perform his mission and thus bring the geula, or redemption.
Lack of firm conviction is a deficiency of emuna. Why? If one’s emuna is complete, knowing that Hashem wants him to do a certain thing or act a certain way, then nothing else in the world matters. When juxtaposed with Hashem’s will, everything else is null and void! If Hashem wants the princess rescued, then there are no walls, no guards, and no Sitra Achra, for nothing can stand in Hashem’s way. That’s how King David can declare so forcefully (Psalms 118:10), “All the nations surround me – in the Name of Hashem, I cut them down!”
King David was positive that even if all the nations of the world with millions of hostile troops would descend upon Jerusalem and surround him – he would rely on Hashem’s Name! He would depend completely on emuna. He would mow them down like grass. Now we understand how King David can declare (ibid, 23), “Though I walk in the valley of death, I shall not fear, for You are with me…” With complete emuna, there is no fear, no matter what.
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov elaborates on this concept with the following tale (see Likutei Moharan II:46), told in the name of his great grandfather the Baal Shem Tov:
“A king placed a treasure box in a certain place, and surrounded it with an optical illusion of great and mighty walls. People drew near and saw what seemed to them to be real walls that were difficult to breach. Some of them retreated on the spot. Others broke down the first wall, but couldn’t break down the second wall. Still others broke down subsequent walls, but not all of them. Then came the king’s son, who said: “I know that the walls are only an illusion; in reality, there are no walls.” So he walked with confidence, until he passed them all. From here, the wise can understand the moral that all the obstacles and all the temptations and all the incitements [of the Evil Inclination – LB] are like walls placed around the treasure of yirat shamaim, the fear of God, which are in actuality nothing. The important thing – a strong and brave heart, for then there are no obstacles. Particularly, the obstacles of materialism, such as: money, or obstacles from his wife, children, in-laws or parents and so forth, they are all nullified in the face of a heart that is strong and brave in the Name of Hashem. Even the might of heroes stems from a strong heart that is not afraid of contact in battle.”
“I know that the walls are only an illusion; in reality, there are no walls.”
And she answered, “It’s impossible for you to get me out of here…”
Since the viceroy expressed a hint of doubt with his question, revealing a deficiency of emuna, the princess answered: “It’s impossible for you to get me out of here,” for you still ask questions. She seems to be telling him that as long as the walls, the guards, or anything else other than Hashem deters him, he won’t be able to get her out.
But, hope is never lost:
“…Unless you choose a place, and dwell there a full year. And the whole year, you must yearn to take me out. Any time that you have free, you should only yearn and pray and hope to free me. And you should fast frequently, and on the last day of the year, you should fast and not sleep the entire day.”
The princess says to the viceroy: Since you’re still asking questions, you clearly haven’t prayed enough yet. So, go pray and yearn that emuna should be a part of you until you know that there is nothing other than Hashem and that everything is under His power. Even the Sitra Achra – the foolish old king – has no power and is nothing. On the contrary, if your emuna will be steadfast, even the dark side will fall at your feet and help you. So, go work for another whole year on your emuna, and then, you’ll be able to get me out of here. One must yearn with a burning desire in order to attain emuna. Desire is the key word…
To be continued.
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