Menachem Herman and Emuna – An Interview
Considered by many the best lead guitarist in the world of Jewish music, Menachem is a combination of outer fireball and inner peace. His new Emuna – rock music project...

Menachem Herman's career story reads like a Who's Who of Jewish/Chassidic music. He has played with the Rav Shlomo Carlebach ob”m, the Diaspora Yeshiva Band, Mordechai Ben David, Avraham Fried, Chaim Dovid, Michoel Streicher, Musa Berlin, Ohad Moskowitz and Reva L'Sheva, just to name a few. Today, he not only heads the super-popular Menachem Herman Orchestra, but arranges and produces music too. If you've ever heard the really inspiring and lebbe-digg (lively) Toldos Aaron CDs, then you're hearing Menachem Herman arrangements.

Menachem’s dedication to Rebbe Nachman and to Breslev knows no bounds. He was strongly connected to Rabbi Michel Dorfman of saintly and blessed memory. Wherever he plays, he distributes Rav Shalom Arush books and CDs. Now, he is about to fulfill a dream of using his talents in Jewish Outreach, by bring people closer to Hashem with his new emuna-oriented music and his Emuna Band.
BreslevIsrael: We'd like to hear the inside story on Menachem Herman and Emuna band’s new album.
Menachem: It's a new project we're doing, more progressive music, more interesting musically for myself and the band, it's also meant for a much wider audience, than we've been used to performing for.
BreslevIsrael: Do you mean in Israel or abroad?
Menachem: We're planning mostly for abroad. We’re planning concerts, where people can really hear what we are saying. Although we perform now at exclusive weddings, our weddings are a show, but not in the way concerts speak to people.
BreslevIsrael: What kind of music are we talking about?
Menachem: 80% cover music. 20% original.
BreslevIsrael: What's cover music?
Menachem: The last few years, it's become very popular to take a well known song, change it somewhat to make it your own & put it out there, people love hearing what they're familiar with, there's no guessing or thinking about whether they like it or not.
BreslevIsrael: What’s the original music?
Menachem: It's a compilation, a mix of sorts, basically rock with words of faith. This is the thing – so many people are suffering, whether not enough money to finish the month, marriage on the rocks, health issues. Teens don't find their place, so many of them turn to drugs and alcohol, that's become, sorry to say, the norm. Why? People are weak in their own personal faith. They don’t have a personal connection to Hashem. With our music, we want to give them one.
Yoni (drummer): Really, a person without faith, is angry, scared, unsure of himself…everything seems so complicated. With faith, we understand there is a meaning to each of our lives; we are special as individuals and we have a place in the world.
BreslevIsrael: So your words are words of strength, hoping to give people what they are lacking.
Menachem: Our songs are familiar, our words are of hope, words of realization, that really, each person can take a look inside himself. We're hoping that our listeners should look for a little meaning in their lives, search for inner peace, and seek the truth. Music is a powerful tool – it opens hearts.
BreslevIsrael: So you're selling religion?
Menachem: No way! We’re selling your own personal connection with Hashem.
BreslevIsrael: So the new album is about faith for all people…
Menachem: Yes, because Hashem is The Creator of everyone. If we don't acknowledge Him through being grateful for everything and telling Him so, we end up looking for Him in a crisis, G-d forbid. Why wait for trouble? We want to help people have an enjoyable and happy connection with Hashem. That’s really the goal of Emuna Band.
BreslevIsrael: (to the band): Isn't it hard being together all the time?

BreslevIsrael:How do feel about branching out into a new music scene?
Tomer (Emuna’s trumpet player): There is always the need to improve musically, to grow as a team, and to feel each other’s nuances on stage. I love new challenges, and I especially believe in this one.
BreslevIsrael: Menachem, there’s something special about the way the band sounds…
Menachem: That’s because of my sound engineer, Natan. Wherever I go, he goes. He’s the best in the business.
(Natan: tells where….)
BreslevIsrael: Natan, you’re the one who understands how Menachem needs to sound and wants to sound. Are there differences from concert to concert?
Natan: Every wedding and concert is unique with its own special needs. I need special siyata d’shmaya to tailor the sound for the audience and the location.
BreslevIsrael: So, what are the plans for this year?
Menachem: Traveling, bringing music to people all over the globe who want to hear us, seeing people, loving people, spreading kindness, people need kindness! After learning, praying , and family, there’s music, music, music!
BreslevIsrael: We want to thank Menachem & the Emuna band, Avi, Yoni, Tomer, Ruvain, & Natan, it was great to speak to you here tonight.
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