ואפילו בהסתרה (And Even in Hiding)
What happens when two giants in the music industry come together in a joint duet, "...and even in hiding"?

Rest assured that this song will overwhelm you because it is really that exciting! Kobi Peretz’s soft voice with the unique voice of Yaakov Shwekey, accompanied by the “פרחי ירושלים” (“Flowers of Jerusalem”) choir, create an interesting vocal harmony that will make you want to hear this song again and again.
The words of Hezki Glick are inspired by the words of Rebbi Nachman of Breslev (Likutei Moharan), composed by Shaya Gross for the original performance by Yoeli Klein. The musical arrangement and production are by Eli Keshet.
גם כי אלך בגיא צלמוות
לא אירא רע כי אתה עמדי
Though I walk in the valley overshadowed by death,
I will fear no evil, for You are with me (Psalm 23:4)
ואפילו בהסתרה שבתוך ההסתרה
בוודאי גם שם נמצא השם יתברך
גם מאחורי הדברים הקשים העוברים עליך
אני עומד… אני עומד… אני עומד…
Even during a concealment within a concealment,
Certainly there too, Hashem, may He be blessed, is there.
Even in the hardest of things/times that come to pass, I stand with you. (Likutei Moharan, Part 1, 56:3(C))