Do For the Sake of… (עשה למען)
Singer and composer Yonatan Razel presents an exciting and moving melody that he gave to the famous piyyut lyrics from Slichot. Enjoy!
Singer and composer Yonatan Razel writes about his unique single for Slichot – Do for the Sake of…
“Here we are again in Elul standing before Hashem as a slave before his master, as a son before his father, begging and asking: We want to start a new page … we want, we want, but we cannot do it alone! The heart is still sealed. Father!
And in the prayers and supplications to be chosen for life – we seek every merit, every point of light, and not just our merits but also our ancestors’ merits, the merit of our people, the merit of longing for Your home. And if we lack even these merits, then do it for Your name’s sake!
In the Gemara, something frightening is written – that even Hashem prays (wow !!). And what does He pray? ‘May it be My will that My mercy will overcome My attributes’
I hope that Hashem will give strength to our prayers throughout the days and nights; that He will grant forgiveness, atonement, joy, and hope; that He will open the gates of heaven with complete forgiveness – and with it, a good and sweet year!
I send my blessing to each individual and to the entire Jewish people for a good and sweet year. May we all be privileged to meet in the Beit HaMikdash very soon (and I hope to be there with the other Levites in the choir and orchestra!), and may we all merit a complete and merciful redemption, Amen!”
עשה למען – מתוך האלבום החדש של יונתן רזאל “פותח לב“: מתוך הסליחות
עשה למען אמתך
עשה למען בריתך
עשה למען גדלך ותפארתך
עשה למען חסדך
עשה למען טובך
עשה למען סודך
עשה למען תינוקות של בית רבן שלא חטאו
עשה למענך אם לא למעננו והושיענו
עשה למען אברהם יצחק ויעקב
עשה למען משה ואהרן
עשה למען דוד ושלמה
עשה למען שממות היכלך
עשה למען הריסות מזבחך
עשה למען ירושלים עיר קדשך
עשה למען תינוקות של בית רבן שלא חטאו
עשה למענך אם לא למעננו והושיענו
א-ל רחום שמך
א-ל חנון שמך באנו
נקרא בשמך
עשה למען שמך
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