The New Me Wants You
We often forget that every moment of life is an invitation to change and come closer to our better selves and to Hashem.
Call it a paradigm shift, a break-through, a reality check, a spiritual awakening, or whatever else you want. What happened was life-changing. I was brought up totally secular, going through the motions of celebrating some of the Jewish holidays. It was not until l found Hashem that everything changed. I found the real me and became the daughter of Hashem that I never knew I was.
Hashem created the world for the purpose of transformation, and once we embark on growing into who we truly are, there is no stopping us. The spiritual power that emanates from spreading this newfound dimension to others has the potential to hasten the light of Geula (Redemption), which is what we all want: the peace, harmony, and goodness that is waiting to be activated. If you are secular like I was and want the above goals as much as I do, I invite you to begin with spiritual awareness.
Permit me to recount a section from the book I wrote in 2020 entitled Living in Happiness: The Call to Return, which explains much of what we are all going through right now. The section below is entitled “Spiritual Awareness.” It is excerpted from the chapter Getting to Know the Creator. Here is the section in its entirety:
The more connected to G-d the happier we feel because that connection satisfies the soul, which is a spark of G-d. When we answer the call to connect, He leads us to experiences that attest to His involvement in our personal lives. We accept the ebb and flow in the cycle of life, knowing that a loving G-d is in full control and is guiding us to fulfill our highest spiritual potential. We know that we are being led to contribute to the awakening of mankind where peace and goodness will overtake all negativity. This does not mean we decide the path to take. Compliance means we are open to change and learning the truth. Then we apply it utilizing our individuality to make the journey vibrant and fresh. G-d is giving us right now a perfect opportunity to join together in this exalted mission. If ever there was a time for achdus (unity) through being respectful of the varied journeys and current beliefs of others, now is that time. It’s fine to be on different pages as long as we believe in the same Book. (ie, the Torah)
Once we become aware of the bigger picture and we choose to align with the Divine plan and come closer to G-d, we experience many a-ha moments, which bring us great joy. When we reach for this kind of happiness, many good things occur in the areas of health, spiritual protection, and purity of thought because we have activated the energy to come closer to Him. Each day becomes an opportunity in which we feel Hashem’s Presence. Divine consciousness, also known as spiritual awareness or da’at (da’as), is the ultimate in authentic joy because when we experience certain synchronicities, we are able to dig deep and see evidence of Hashem’s presence and keen interest and involvement in our personal lives.
Da’as is the application of Divine knowledge (chochmah) and understanding (binah). All three comprise the intellectual faculties of the human being. Da’as is the avenue that brings the wisdom and understanding from the mind to the neck on its way to the heart, where our passion for the Divine is activated. Da’as creates the intimacy because when we acquire da’as, our experience with Hashem draws us closer to Him. It is then that we begin to contemplate how uniquely personal our relationship with G-d truly is.
As we increase our communication with the Creator, we realize that we have only to ask a question to receive an answer. By including Hashem in our lives, we become a conduit for Divine assistance. We must remember to ask the Creator for everything that we need, including the smallest requests. We don’t assume that because He is all-knowing that we do not have to form a relationship with Him. This is not true. We establish a strong bond through regular communication. Speech is our G-d-given gift of connection to the Almighty.
We might wonder how the Almighty communicates with us. The answer is that Hashem has many messengers—both animate and inanimate. We might pray and then open a book to a particular page and find the answer to a question there. A thought may pop into our mind suddenly that provides the answer after we ask the Almighty a question. We might see a billboard, a personalized license plate, a sign in a store window, a message inside a fortune cookie or attached to a tea bag that provides the answer to our inquiry. We could receive a phone call, and a relative or an acquaintance happens to utter just the words we needed to hear. This happens all the time. We have to be open to receiving G-d’s communication, because whatever we are supposed to see or hear is orchestrated from Above to lead us in the right direction. Our response is predicated upon whether we check our “in-box” and whether or not our mailbox is full.
Don’t forget that there are no accidents, nothing is random, and coincidences exist only as a means by which Hashem tries to get our attention. For those of us who have never tried to get close to our Father in Heaven, this is what He is waiting for. Hashem has been trying to get us to bond with Him, believe and trust in Him, for a very long time. When we do, we become a partner in the solution to the struggles we currently see.
This “soul”ution is open to all of us. I invite you to believe, for then you will see much more clearly, because ‘believing” is “seeing”. You will discover that the challenges are only blessings in disguise for the benefit of our spiritual elevation and have a resolution by way of our connection to the Creator. Opening this pathway infuses our souls with light and, by extension, the light of our soul brings healing to the world.
Lori is an educator and life optimization coach. Her book entitled Living in Happiness: The Call to Return is available on Amazon. It can also be purchased at her BookShop page.
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