The Furious Worm
The darkness and the cold are driving me crazy. This is the end! We're going to die! I can't stand it!

We are exploring the two main causes of anger: arrogance and lack of spiritual awareness. Having explored the damage of arrogance we now take a look at the effects of the lack of spiritual awareness.
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Would you believe that we can learn about faith and spiritual awareness from a worm? We’re about to see another very special example of the wisdom in the environment along our allegorical journey:
The Furious Worm – A Lesson about Lack of Spiritual Awareness
If you see an apple with a little brown circle and black spot in the middle, don’t eat it. There’s a worm inside that apple.
Imagine that we’re holding such an apple to our ear, and hearing a squeaking noise. There are probably two worms in that apple – the squeaking indicates that they’re having a discussion.
If we could understand worm language, we’d be privy to an eye-opening discussion:
A mother worm lays her two eggs in the core of the apple, and disappears. Wilma, the older sister, hatches a few hours before Wendy. We catch the two sisters in the midst of a heated discussion.
Wendy: The end of the world is near! Do something, Wilma!
Wilma: What are you talking about, silly?
Wendy: I’ve had it! I can’t stand another of those murderous tremors. The darkness and the cold are driving me crazy. This is the end! We’re going to die! I can’t stand it!
Wilma: Will you calm down, please? You can lower your voice, too. There’s a legitimate explanation for the tremors, the cold, and the darkness. If you’ll stop creating such havoc and give me your undivided attention, I’ll explain everything.
Wendy: (impatiently) Go ahead, know-it-all.
Wilma: Must you be so abrasive? Right before I was hatched, Mother explained everything…
Wendy: (interrupts her sister in a most indignant fashion) Who and what is “Mother?” What kind of fairy tale are you trying to sell me? Don’t you understand, Wilma? The world is ending!
Wilma: Will you please control yourself? Thank you. Now listen: We are worms. We were born inside this apple two weeks ago. Our mother was a mature worm, who laid her two eggs – you and me – and continued her own life elsewhere. Soon, we’ll mature, and we’ll leave this apple for the outside world as well.
Wendy: You’re daft, sister! The world is on the verge of oblivion – the quakes, cold, and darkness are proof – and all you do is fabricate ridiculous myths about a mother and an outside world … what garbage! You’re insane, and you’re driving me to insanity as well!
Wilma: I’m sorry about your harsh manner of expression and your fiery temper. If you’d only listen, I can easily explain the tremors, the cold, and the darkness.
Wendy: Theories or more fairy tales?
Wilma: Neither; until this morning, our apple was still attached to the tree. We were born in the summer, on a southern exposure of the orchard with plenty of heat and sunlight, and the only movement we felt was the slight swaying of our apple on its branch in the breeze. The first big jolt we felt this morning was when our apple was picked. The other tremors came from being knocked around all day long by two hikers and their backpacks. The cold and the darkness are from the lack of sunlight.
Wendy: Enough, Wilma. What an imagination! You’ve lost contact with reality. More stories – apple, sunlight, hikers, outside world – you’re seriously grating my already shredded nervous system. You see these moist, sweet walls [Wendy licks the apple] – this is the entire universe, our home, and our sustenance. I maintain that the end is near – there’s no other logical explanation for the tremors, the cold, and the darkness.
Wilma (sighs in obvious frustration): If so, little sister worm, will you please enlighten me and inform me who created us, and how we got here?
Wendy: Your question is irrelevant. That’s not the issue. We are here and nothing else matters except that the destruction of the world is near!
To be continued…
(The Trail to Tranquility is available in the Breslev Store.)
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