Purity and Abundance
The union between husband and wife is far beyond the physical realm, as it contains the Divine attribute of a life-creating power.
Making an adequate living is something everyone wants to succeed at. Our sages teach that a man’s livelihood comes by virtue of his wife, rather than by talent or hard work. The more spiritually pure the couple is, the more the woman invokes Divine blessing, and subsequently enhances the family’s income. Therefore, for a couple to reach their optimal income potential, it is advisable that they take advantage of the wealth of family purity, which includes the magical Jewish soul-purification tool – the mikva (ritual bath).
The union between husband and wife is far beyond the physical realm, as it contains the Divine attribute of a life-creating power. The husband and wife literally become partners with Hashem in creating life, and as such they must strive for unity and purity.
In the course of my work in Jewish outreach I speak with people that suffer from various types of tribulations in life. Today the most common issue that people complain about – and enemy number one to peace in the home – is financial problems. The first thing I tell couples is that the key lays in observing the laws of family purity. This includes the wife’s periodic immersion in a mikva, among other mitzvot (laws). Some people balk at this suggestion, mostly out of ignorance and distorted preconceptions. However if a couple has financial problems and they are not yet observing family purity, even winning the Irish Lottery will not solve their problems.
Family purity has the power to invoke Divine blessing and compassion on a household, whereas spiritual impurity does the exact opposite. With family purity the couple brings Hashem’s presence into the home, producing peace and abundance. As many people know, having wealth and money can also lead to arguments, greed, and coveting. Many people lack marital bliss and peace of mind despite their wealth. But when a person receives abundance together with spiritual purity, then the money is a blessing and only contributes to a tranquil home.
The double blessings of purity and abundance are none other than the magic inherent in the mikva. Some people think that they have fallen into debt because they made a bad investment. However debt can also be the result of ritual impurity. With mikva, a family will have an easier time earning a livelihood, as the holy Zohar teaches that the magic of the mikva directly contributes to an adequate income.
The benefits of family purity include a more loving, lasting, and meaningful marital relationship, enhanced livelihood, and more successful children. I know of many parents that went to Rav Shalom Arush with complaints about their children, income, or their shalom bayit (peace in the home). The first thing he tells them is to learn the practical laws of family purity and to begin observing them. He stresses the importance of the wife going to mikva every month. He also advises them to enhance the purification of their souls with prayer, particularly the Tikkun Klali, which is a collection of 10 Psalms compiled by Rebbe Nachman: 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, and 150. Many childless couples have become parents with this advice.
There exists a difference between children that were born out of family purity and those that were not. The explanation being that ritually pure parents impart their purity to their children. Every soul that descends to this earth has its own tikkun, or soul correction, that it must achieve, and so no child is immune from problems. Nevertheless, children from family-purity homes are more apt to be tranquil and attentive. Nowadays schools are feeding 6-yr olds Ritalin and all other types of pills, and psychologists and school counselors have invented a whole list of labels for hyperactive children. With family purity you can give your children a head start in life. Even more, you can make their entire lives easier. Family purity not only ensures better spiritual health, it also ensures better physical health for the wife, the husband, and their children.
The mikva has enormous powers. If a woman had spiritual eyes, she could see what an impression her mikva immersion has on the spiritual worlds. Entire regiments of archangels descend to accompany her on the way to the mikva. Once a woman immerses herself, she receives a holiness – a tremendous spiritual power. As she immerses her body in the mikva waters, Hashem personally immerses her soul in the heavenly mikva. She emerges with a great spiritual status on this night, and her ability to bless is very powerful. Her neshama– the essence of her newly purified soul – emanates from her, and invokes Divine blessings. These blessings are available to all who are involved in family purity.
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